50 years ago
june 14, 1956
First reports from the 1956 wheat harvest in Marion County indicate a very good crop considering the weather conditions this spring. The estimated overall average is about 20 bushels to the acre.
Miss Jeanette Russell of Marion, representing the Marion County Fair Association, was voted "Miss Congeniality" at the "Miss Kansas" contest in Pratt last week, bringing real credit to herself, the fair, and to the county.
Robert Stephens, vocational agriculture instructor at Marion High school was presented the first place award in the educational idea exchange display at the vocational agriculture instructors' conference at Kansas State College in Manhattan last week. This is the second year that this award has been presented and Mr. Stephens has won both times.
Miss Roma Collett, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Collett and a 1956 graduate of Marion High School, was notified this week by the Dean of Women of the University of Kansas that she had been awarded a residence hall scholarship for the coming school year.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bernhardt took their daughter, Margie, and Maxine Hinz to Lawrence Sunday where they will attend Girls' State this week.
The officers of Eastern Star were hostesses for a layette shower following their regular meeting Thursday evening honoring their worthy matron, Mrs. Jack Beaston.
Mr. and Mrs. A.R. Schambron announce the engagement of their daughter, Carol Jean, to C.R. Moulton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Moulton. The wedding is planned for August 19 at the Christian church.
The Marion Merchants hardball club continued its winning ways last Sunday when the team traveled to Canton and won 9-6. Ronnie Hiebert and Dennis Tajchman pitched for Marion. Earl Janzen made two two-base hits for Marion and Warren Woerz made one three-bagger.