50 years ago
July 21, 1955
"The Reservation" is the name chosen for the new youth recreation center which will soon be ready for operation in the Case building. The name was chosen from quite a number suggested at a meeting Tuesday evening of high school committee members.
"Windy Point," one of the Marion County Lake's most popular picnic and fishing spots, is undergoing considerable reclaiming and preventive repair this summer while the lake level is low. Heavy rip-rapping is being done in two rows along each shore and a fill made behind the boulder in order to stop erosion.
Common school district No. 1222, Hutchens, which has been closed for the past three years, has been officially disorganized and the territory will be divided among three adjoining districts, Tampa, Ramona and Pilsen.
A miscellaneous shower at the home of Wanda Propp Tuesday evening complimented Miss Janet Priddle whose wedding is set for August 21. Rose Marie Holub was co-hostess.
Karen Schroeder entertained with a picnic and swimming party Thursday in honor of Mary Sue Reh, who is soon to leave with her parents for their new home in Prescott, Arizona. The girls enjoyed a picnic and swim at the country club. Those present included Mary Sue, Janet Whitlock, Deanna Kimball, Sandra Jackson, Donna Newsom, Karen and her mother, Mrs. Karl Schroeder.
Invitations are out for the wedding of Miss Connie Ilene Dondlinger of Hutchinson, and Bob Reinke, son of Mr. and Mrs. Homer Reinke. The wedding will be August 7.