50 years ago
The three finalists in the Marion County Fair queen contest were chosen at a reception and talent try-out at the Hillsboro High School Tuesday evening. The three are Vicki Herbel and Sharon Toews of Hillsboro and Marilyn Gaines of Peabody. The queen will be crowned Friday evening by Jeanetta Russell, Marion, last year's queen.
Buckley Grocery this week made purchase of a panel type delivery truck and will begin doing their own delivery work after the first of September. Beaston's Market will also deliver their own after that date. Sanitary Market is doing their own delivery at the present time. The Marion delivery wagon, which in the past had served many stores, will go out of operation on that date, causing the stores to do their own delivery work.
Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Masten of Herington are opening their "Saundra's Pastry Shop" in Marion with a four-day open house beginning next Wednesday. The new store is located in the Base building at 220 W. Main, in the space formerly occupied by the Marion youth recreation center.
Mrs. Harry M. Harris of Marion, this week was elected vice chairman of the state committee of the Democrat party at the party council meeting in Topeka on Monday and Tuesday.
Deloris Jean Lucas was the guest of honor at a birthday party Sunday afternoon, Aug. 26. Those present were Marilyn Linnens, Karen Schlesener, Beatrice Cogdill, Shirley Lucas, Mary Jane Keller of Cedar Point, Carol Lucas of Wichita, and her sisters, Bonnie and Darlene.
Robert Stacey of Adelaide, South Australia, who has been the guest of Dr. and Mrs. R.R. Melton and family for the past three weeks left Monday for the Rodney Symes home at Elmdale where he will live for the next three weeks studying farming practices on their farm.