60 years ago

JANUARY 8, 1942

Friends here received word this week that Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Brooker who have been living in Osage City, have been transferred to Council Grove where Mr. Brooker is in charge of the CCC soil erosion work there.

Mrs. Lysle Russell and her little daughter, Jeanette, entertained several little folks Tuesday afternoon in celebration of Jeanette's fourth birthday. The kiddies enjoyed games and playing with the young hostess' new toys until Mrs. Russell served refreshments late in the afternoon. Invited guests were Mary Ann Bernard, Marion Hildebrand, Carolyn Merrill, Nancy and Bernadeen Broadstreet, Paul Roberts, Paul Morse, Bobby Hiebert, and Bobby Newcomer.

Members of Sub Deb and sponsors from the Junior Athena will be guests of Mrs. Wyatt Cooper this Thursday evening. Mrs. Harry Bernard will assist Mrs. Cooper. Mrs. Wm. Burkholder will talk on new books at the library and review W.L. White's new book, "A Journey for Margaret."

Miss Ellen Hett, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Hett, and Mr. Lloyd Darrow, son of the Clyde Darrows, were married on New Year's Day. Mrs. Darrow is an outstanding Marion County teachers, and Mr. Darrow is a promising young farmer.

Mrs. Alfred Hiebert asked a number of little folks in Saturday afternoon to help her son, Bobby, celebrate his fifth birthday. The children enjoyed playing with the many gifts old Santa had left at Bobby's house. A decorated birthday cake and other refreshments were served to the kiddies. Those present were Paul Wesley Roberts, Charlene Youk, Marion Hildebrand, Jeanette Russell, Allen Dean Harms, and Marion Jantz.
