60 years ago
OCTOBER 8, 1942
The Marion County Selective Service board underwent a reorganization this week following the transfer of Mrs. Theresa Newcomer, who has been in charge of the board, to Seneca. Mrs. Ellen Garrison, who has been assistant, is to have charge of the office here. Mrs. Jas. A. Ray, who has been clerk in the office, was advanced to assistant.
An Army plane, flown by 2nd Lt. J.W. Hartman, landed in the Hauser pasture section Monday, east of Marion, forced down by engine trouble. The plane was from Marshall Field.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wolf entertained Friday evening in honor of Mrs. Harry Duke and children of Wichita, who were their houseguests Friday night and Saturday. Those present other than the honored guests were Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe King and family, Mr. and Mrs. Amos Henry and children, and Mrs. Dale Miller and Dickey.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Powell announce the engagement of their daughter, Dorothy, to Mr. Bill Wright, son of Mr. and Mrs. H.L. Wright.
The high school at Lehigh and several of the teachers enjoyed a skating party Friday evening at Rankin's Rink.
Mrs. Bess Jones entertained at dinner at Linn's Monday evening. Places were laid for Mr. and Mrs. D.N. Ehrlich, Mrs. Ed Harn, Miss Ola Yost, Miss Vinnie Wible, and Mrs. Jones.
The Sunday school class taught by Mrs. Roger Hannaford enjoyed a Hobo Hike Saturday to the country club. They carried their lunch on a hobo stick in a bandanna handkerchief. Those hiking were Mrs. Hannaford, Cherridah Mullikin, Joyce Keazer, Patsy Harris, Shirley Moorehouse, Tommie Werts, Donald Van Buren, Bud Hannaford, Bob Reinke, and Bob Hein.