60 years ago

APRIL 1, 1943

Seymour Packing Company is flying the blue Minute Man flag below the Stars and Stripes at the Marion plant, showing that 90 percent of the employees at their plant and at their buying station purchase 10 percent of the salaries in U.S. bonds and stamps each month.

Dr. and Mrs. R.C. Smith, Mary Lou Williams, Nancy Colburn, and Carol Lea Kiddoo spent Saturday and Sunday in Kansas City. Dr. and Mrs. Smith, Mary Lou, and Nancy visited with Mr. and Mrs. Claude Gresham and Mr. Ethel Williams. Carol Lee visited her sister, Betty Kiddoo.

Rehearsals for "The Family Upstairs," the senior play, are now underway. The cast includes Harry Chill, Joan Wight, Jean Knight, Peggy Gerstenkorn, Paul White, Darlene Johnson, Victor Reiswig, and Wilma Smithheisler.

Mr. and Mrs. Homer Stiller and Janet Ann spent Sunday in El Dorado with Mr. George Stiller. They went especially so Mr. Stiller could see his great-granddaughter.

Mr. and Mrs. John Spachek were visiting friends in Marion Tuesday. John was transferred from Topeka to Salina where he will be secretary and treasurer of the National Farm Loan Association. His office will take care of two counties, Ellsworth and Saline. Mrs. Spachek and children will stay with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P.P. Stika, near Lincolnville.

Miss Vera Pope, sister of Mr. Ed Popp and Mrs. Alex Socolofsky, who joined the WAACs several weeks ago, left Monday for Des Moines, Iowa, to report for active duty.

Mrs. Alfred Kirchner, Miss Clara Duncan, and Mrs. Paul Minear and children were Friday evening visitors of the John Mehls.

The Druse twins, Donald Dean and Ronald Jean, came from the Hillsboro hospital Saturday to be with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Slim Druse.

Alfred Chill Jr. was unlucky enough to get the measles at Ft. Leavenworth and, according to the latest word, has not been sent to camp as yet.
