60 years ago

APRIL 15, 1943

Forty-three head of top quality Herefords were exhibited at the fourth annual Marion County Hereford Show held April 10 at Hillsboro. The grand champion bull award went to John S. Rhodes on CK Crusader 4th and the reserve champion to Henry Waner on Baron Lamplighter. Junior champion was won by P.A. Hiebert on RT Royal Rupert WEH 9th. Female division grand champion, Dolly 7th, and Miss Adva Mixer, reserve champion, were shown by Henry Waner.

Mr. and Mrs. R.E. Dohner of east of Marion are the parents of a baby girl, Rosalie Ann, born Sunday, April 11, at the Hillsboro hospital.

Thirty young people from Marion and Florence met at the home of Miss Lois Mathiot Friday evening for a picnic in honor of Leland Hollar of Marion and Leland Riggs of Florence, who left Monday for Kansas City to enter the Navy.

Mrs. William Ollenberger, Mrs. Fred Mehlinger Jr., Mrs. Ezra Bernhardt, and Mrs. Clinton Youk attended a layette shower Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Charles Borton in Durham honoring Mrs. Leslie Ollenberger.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Loveless are announcing the marriage of their daughter, Pauline, to Sgt. Lester Sager of Pando, Colo. Both young people graduates of the class of 1940.

Mrs. Charles Brooker of Wichita was here over the weekend making arrangements to move back to her home on North Roosevelt for the summer. She will live in the upstairs apartment. Mr. and Mrs. Brooker later expect to move to Evanston, Ill.
