60 years ago

JUNE 25, 1942

Bobby Reinke and Junior Powell rode their bicycles 17 miles to Peabody Tuesday. After arriving there they decided to ride on out to Art Stallwitz's farm five miles from town, where they stayed all night. They were able to mount their bikes again Wednesday to ride home.

Mrs. William Christensen entertained Friday evening in honor of her daughter, Miss Mary Mae's, birthday. The evening was spent in playing games followed by refreshments served by the hostess. Those present were Misses Lettie Stenzel, Cladine Richmond, Betty Richardson, Oleta Bitner, Fernetta Matz, Doris Anderson, and Gladys Plett, Mrs. Paul Williams Jr., Harry Hein, Edward Hein, Delton Hein, Dale Christensen, Walter Weber, Bill Richardson, Harold Woerz, Clifford Matz, Joe Bitner, and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Winkley.

Mrs. Jess Coons and Judy left Monday for Denver where to join Mr. Coons who has been employed there for some time at the Remington Arms works. Mrs. Leona Helmer will manage the Green Parrot Café while they are gone.
