60 years ago
AUGUST 20, 1942
Our county was asked July 28 to accept a quota of 400 of the comfort bags the American Red Cross give to every man at the port of embarkation as he starts out to foreign assignments. We accepted the quota.
The boys outshined the girls last week in the contest at Broadstreet Studio. The three winners were Maurice Jay Jost, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herb Jost; Lloyd Edward Davies, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Davies; and Michael Stephen Sizemore, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Sizemore of Newton and grandson of Mr. and Mrs. G.A. Sizemore.
A group of young people enjoyed a party at the lake Monday night, followed by skating at Rankin's. The occasion was a farewell for Bill Parker, who left with his mother Thursday to join Mr. Parker in California. Those present were Misses Darlene Johnson, Jean Knight, Florine Patton, Mary Louise Loveless, Betty Ann Mersereau, Florence Irene King, Peggy Lou Gerstenkorn, Mary Ann Barrett, Joan Wight, Carolyn Hayen, Wilma Smithheisler, Nancy Colburn, Mary Alice and Annabelle Rees, Bob Burnett, Robert Mott, Harry Chill, Dean Morgan, Monette Avery, Arkie Reiswig, Mac Kreuter, Paul White, and Ted Loney.
Miss Rachel Goertz is spending several days this week with Miss Eldena Sampson at Wichita.
The Business and Professional Women's Class of the Methodist Sunday school enjoyed a picnic Monday evening at the lake in honor of Miss Violet Rouner of Osborne. Those present were Miss Rouner, Mrs. Paul Williams, and Misses Ada Woolheater, Leta Rees, Julia Campbell, Dorothy Pollitt Viola Thompson, Nina Thompson, Irma Kreutziger, Elsie Suderman, and Edna Rupp.
Miss Betty Lou McCullough, daughter of Mrs. Bert McCullough, and Mr. Harold Kinkaid of Wichita will be married Aug. 22 at the Presbyterian church.