60 years ago
The first 1948 baby in Marion and as far as we know in the county, arrived with a lusty yowl in the Marion hospital at 2:15 a.m. New Year's morning, January 1. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Wharton Hoch and has been named Robert Wharton.
Mr. and Mrs. Jess Coons announce the formal opening of their new restaurant located in the former State Bank of Commerce building. Free doughnuts and coffee are offered customers during certain hours Saturday.
An invitation is given anyone interested to meet at the water tower in Florence Sunday for coyote hunt. Shotguns only will be permitted. Nothing larger than No. 4 shot allowed.
Harold Ehrlich of Lawrence spent Christmas Day with his mother, Mrs. Lena Ehrlich. Harold returned to Lawrence Thursday evening and on Friday left with the rest of the KU team who boarded the Clipper Jayhawk in Kansas City, Kan., for their 1300 mile non-stop flight to Miami Fla., where they will play the Yellow Jackets of Georgia Tech on New Year's Day.
Marion Junior High basketball team has three games behind it, all wins, and eight ahead, according to the schedule released this week by Howard Crandall, principal and coach. The A squad is made up of Billy McKibbin, Dennis Richards, LeRoy Roberts, Ted Heath and Eugene Christensen, first team; followed closely by John Newcomer, J.B. Miesse, James Propp, Gordon Wingerd, Dale Hobein, Jerry Tuell, and Larry Stenzel.
Mr. and Mrs. E.D. Longhofer are the happy parents of a son, Darold James, born Dec. 30 at the Hillsboro hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Vogel had a dinner Sunday in honor of Garry's birthday. Those invited were Jerald and Jeannine Skibbe, Zona and Juanita Kelsey, Anna Ruth Schick, Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Skibbe, Mr. and Mrs. Ora Kelsey, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Schick and Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Bernhardt. Garry treated his class and teacher with Hershey bars Monday afternoon.