60 years ago
JANUARY 13, 1944
Officers in this part of the state were on the lookout early Friday morning for four escaped German war prisoners. The four escaped by jumping through a window of a Santa Fe train at Elmdale as they were being transferred from a Florida camp in Alva, Oklahoma. They stole a car at Elmdale and another at Cedar Point, later being caught in an abandoned shed southwest of Wichita. Instead of being taken to Alva, they were taken to Salina, where three of them again escaped the first of the week. Later they were apprehended at Hays, trying to make their way to the west coast and finally to Germany.
Twelve Boy Scouts were presented at the first Court of Honor for the year and received their tenderfoot badges. They were: Raymond and Dale Klassen, Kent Richmond, Warren Hayen, Howard Mehlinger, Tommy Werts, Dale Ecker, Don Van Buren, Kenneth Sly, Don Fick, Dean Hansen, and Kerns Allen. Those receiving second class rankings were Bobby Reinke, Elton Petersen, and Forrest Kelsey.
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Burkholder and Tim and Mr. Randolph Carpenter and Billy spent Friday and Saturday in Kansas City. The men went on business and the boys especially to see the exhibit of war equipment at the municipal building.
In the spacious basement of their home on Walnut Street, Bill Haas and his 15-year-old son Harry, have constructed, during spare time, one of the most elaborate and interesting model railroads in this part of the country. The entire railroad empire is all built to scale, 3/10th of an inch to a foot. This miniature railway which will carry all Santa Fe and Rock Island insignia when they are through, is a remarkable piece of construction. And is one that will even give an "old boy" a real thrill.
Misses Iola Hegle and Nettie Ehrlich entertained last Friday evening with an informal party at their apartment. The evening was spent playing games and visiting. The hostesses served dainty refreshments. Guests were Misses Lois Keazer, Martha Hansen, Neva Heiser, Helen Seifert, Norma Skibbe, Luella Regier, and Mrs. Ezra Schimpf.