60 years ago
Although hard to believe now that the thermometer is back in its accustomed groove, the mercury here Saturday morning hit an unofficial 22 degrees below zero. The coldest place in the nation was Manhattan with an official 31 degrees below. The low temperatures followed a blizzard which drifted the snowfall of 5.4 inches until traffic came to a standstill.
The fire truck and equipment of the city fire department was moved Wednesday from Freeland's, where it has been kept for many years, to the quarters built for it in the city building. Joe Swan remains fire chief, Jake Hein will be charged with servicing the truck in the day time and Fred Knackstedt, who lives next door to the municipal building, will look after it at night. Each fireman will carry a key to the fire station.
In a deal completed Dec. 29, Harry Jones of Wichita purchased the West Side Camp from Mr. and Mrs. Dave Weibert, who have owned and operated the business for the past nine months. Mr. Jones, who is experienced in the cabin camp business, took possession Saturday.
Mrs. Wayne Varenhorst complimented Mrs. Alva Thompson with a miscellaneous shower at her home Friday evening, January 3.
A large crowd attended the Country Club dance New Year's Eve. Favors were hats and horns and confetti was in profusion. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Navrat, Mr. and Mrs. Jay Beaston and Mr. and Mrs. Gail Merrill were in charge of arrangements.
An all electric kitchen, complete with dishwasher, garbage disposal unit and kitchen cabinets has been installed at the Paul Seifert home A new electric; range will be added when it arrives. Also a new tiled bath has been built upstairs and the downstairs bath tiled and new fixtures installed.
The coyote hunters, Lutz and Heller of Hutchinson, who a few weeks ago caught eight of the varmints, were here again last weekend with their 10 hounds. This time they caught seven more in the neighborhood southeast of Marion. They intend to have another hunt in two or three weeks. This time they were considerably hindered by the snowdrifts.
Officers installed at the first meeting of the year for Kiwanis Club were: David W. Wheeler Jr., president; Francis R. Roberts, secretary-treasurer; Wharton Hoch, 1st vice president; and Lonnie Tidwell, 2nd vice president.