60 years ago
A 38-year-old institution, the Marion Mutual Telephone Company, went out of existence this week when Southwestern Bell Telephone Company took over the company. The purchase price of the Mutual system, consisting of switchboard, lines, and equipment in the town of Marion is reported to be $7,000. The money will be divided among the stockholders. The rural lines continue to be owned by the farmers, but will be connected with the Bell switchboard.
James S. Kline, undersheriff, this week announces his candidacy for the office of sheriff of Marion County, subject to the Republican primary. The present sheriff, Lloyd Davies, will have completed two terms, the limit allowed by law to be served consecutively, and thus will not be a candidate for that office.
The Marion schools were dismissed Wednesday noon to remain closed through the rest of the week because of the need to conserve gas. Marion, along with the rest of the nation, is caught in the grip of a severe cold wave. The thermometer this morning stood at 8 above.
Mrs. Lynn Christensen entertained a group of boys at a party at her home Monday in honor of Jimmy's eighth birthday. Favors of licorice and refreshments were served to Neil Hoopes, Laird Helmer, Junior Post Tommy Shirley, Paul Ford, Mark Childs, and Donna, Marion, Gerald and Ronnie Kelsey.
Mrs. Wayne Varenhorst entertained a group of young women at a Coke party at her home last Thursday evening. The young women are organizing a new club sponsored by the Coterie Club. The following officers were elected for the new organization: Mrs. Jack Summerville, president; LaVerna Knight, vice president; Joan Wight, secretary; and Dolores Edmunds, treasurer. The club, as yet unnamed, will meet the second and fourth Mondays of each month. The membership will be announced at the next meeting.