60 years ago
Our spring weather was short and sweet — fine while it lasted. The past few days have been cold with piercing east winds.
Rev. George H. DeBoer has accepted the invitation of the congregation of the Marion Presbyterian Church to become the pastor here. He is expected in Marion March 1.
Mr. and Mrs. W.R. Carpenter, Topeka, received a letter from the dean at Bradford Junior College, Bradford, Mass., informing them that their daughter, Jeanne Carpenter, heads her class in scholastic achievement, a notable honor. Miss Carpenter graduates this year.
Twentieth Century Club was the name chosen for the new junior women's organization at the meeting held Feb. 23 at the home of the president, Mrs. Jack Summerville. Sponsors elected were Mrs. C.R. Magee and Mrs. Erl Volkland. The membership includes Mrs. Summervill, Ella Marie Reinke, Joan Wight, Delores Edmunds, Wanda Ireland, Corrine Longhofer, Rose Marie Avery, Marjie Frazier, Charlene Kuhn, Norma Jean Province and Norma Jean Sandwell.
Mrs. Maurie Frazier and Monty and Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Thompson and Melody Louise visited Mr. and Mrs. Tom Frazier and Mr. and Mrs. A.N. Panter, Adair, Okla., and Mrs. G.M. Raines, Vinita, Okla., from Saturday until Wednesday. Mr. Frazier, Mrs. Panter and Mrs. Raines are brother and sisters, respectively, of the late Cal Frazier, father of Monty and Mrs. Thompson.
Five schools: Merry-go-Round, Madeline Mastek, teacher; Barthodli, Sannine Mastek, teacher; Hutchens, Mildred Teetzen, teacher; Belton, Lorraine Hajek, teacher; and Comet, Betty Klaasen, teacher, and pupils and children of the districts gathered at the Merry-go-Round school February 16 and enjoyed a Valentine party. Valentines were exchanged and refreshments served. The afternoon was spent playing volleyball.