60 years ago
A severe windstorm that seemed to be the tail end of the disastrous Western Oklahoma storm lashed across Marion County in the early hours of last Thursday morning. A general survey of the damage done revealed that probably the most severe damage was in the area around Peabody, and farther north at Antelope. Antelope was probably the hardest hit of the communities.
Announcement is made this week of the sale of Schoneman's Shoe Store by Mr. and Mrs. August Schoneman to Mr. and Mrs. Homer Stenzel. The new owners have assumed management and will continue the long established policy of the firm of handling high quality footwear, ladies hose, etc.
Mart Sanders, who has been in the engineer's corps of the U.S. Army for the past five years, has become a partner with Al Bernhardt in the ownership and management of Marion Hardware and Auto Supply store.
The school board of District 66 announces this week the sale of their building and miscellaneous supplies at public auction April 28. The school is located on the Marion-Dickinson county line east of Highway K-15 north of Durham.
John W. Gardner, one of the outstanding men of this community died at the Las Vegas, Nevada, hospital Sunday evening following a sudden coronary attack.
Recent property exchanges include the sale of the Woolheater home on Locust to Mr. and Mrs. C.J. Ross and the late D.W. Wheeler Sr. residence to Mr. and Mrs. Ben Meier.
As a result of their purchase of the Baptist church property on Main Street, the Baptist Tabernacle is offering for sale, by sealed bids, their building and property on South Third Street. The Tabernacle is conducting revival meetings at their newly dedicated building all this week through Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Broadstreet were in Wichita Sunday through Tuesday attending the Kansas Photographers convention. They took with them Vic Heidebrecht, Dolores Edmunds and Jerry Lou Johnson. The Broadstreets' Moderne Studio displayed three portraits at the convention, those of Mrs. Dorothy Wright, Mrs. Robert Vinduska and Sandy Long and "Butch."