60 years ago
MAY 11, 1944
Pvt. Wayne Edward Nelson, 19, son of Mr. and Mrs. E.F. Nelson, one of Marion's finest boys, was killed in action in Italy April 5 according to a telegram from the War Department received Thursday, May 4. His death occurred in the same week as that of another Marion boy, Lt. Raleigh Bowlby Jr., who was killed in action April 8 in Italy.
Marion High School seniors elected to the National Honor Society on the basis of scholarship, service, character and leadership are Louise Conyers, Mildred Garrison, Donald Larsen, Helen Penland, Ruth Skibbe and Mary Jo Utting. Leadership awards made by the Danforth Foundation go to Vera Belle Province and Edwin Wheeler.
Lloyd Davies, undersheriff, this week announces his candidacy for the office of Sheriff of Marion County subject to the Republican primary Aug. 1. Mr. Davies is married and the father of two children. He is an able man who will make a strong candidate.
Ten seniors will comprise the graduating class of Lincolnville High School. They are Marcella Bezdek, Almeta Hurt, Elaine Lueker, Rodney Linn, Kenneth White, Vernon Poppe, Emil Beneke, Glenn Miller, Wilmer Myer and William Munsterman.
Mrs. Pete Klein entertained at dinner Tuesday noon in honor of the birthday anniversary of her daughter, Vivian. Places were marked for Misses Helen Hett, Pauline Keazer, Mary Helen King, Mary Lou Williams, Anna Lou Hoch, Lois Mathiot, Dorene Stenzel and the honoree.
Miss Ann Helmer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Helmer, was united in marriage with Mr. Ezra Boese, son of Mr. and Mrs. A.L. Boese of Hillsboro, at the parsonage of the Emmanuel Baptist Church at ten o'clock Tuesday morning, May 9. The couple will make their home at Lost Spring where they will live on a farm.
Farmers have been getting cattle to pasture the past week. Farmers and cattle are glad to get out of the knee deep mud in most corrals.