60 years ago
Passengers may now board the Rock Island Rocket No. 510 northbound through Marion at 4:20 p.m. for Topeka and points beyond The welcome news of this additional service was announced Wednesday. Rocket schedules will permit leaving Marion at 4:20 p.m., arrive in Kansas City, Mo., at 7:20 p.m. — leave Kansas City at 9:15 a.m., arrive in Marion 12 noon. This is addition to the regular schedule for Trains No. 17 and 18.
W.J. McNicol of Lost Springs sent eight head of lambs, via less than carlot method to the Kansas City market. The lambs averaged 91 pounds and sold at $25.25 per cwt. on May 7. This is the highest ever paid for spring lambs at that market.
The Cottonwood Valley Saddle Horse Association is to be featured entertainment at both the afternoon and evening shows Sunday at the Salina Horse Show. Sixteen riders will do a combination Virginia Reel on horseback and will gave a Dragoon drill. Nearly all riders will be mounted on Palominos. The drill group of about 32 members is being trained twice a week by John Randolph Wheeler.
The list of Marion eighth grade graduates is as follows: Jon Barrett, Jeaneen Brose, Merle Bruner, Dale Ecker, Donald Ecker, Ernestine Good, Earl Grimes, Edna Grimes, Eilene Hansen, Donald Hayen, Velda Hedrick, Ethel Hiebert, Maurice Hollar, Wayne Kelsey, Phyllis Magathan, Cora McCarty, Charles Ross Moulton, Charles Muse, Janice Meisner, Roberta Newsom, Carol Oblander, Kent Richmond, Patricia Rittel, Sally Sherrard, Thomas Shields, and Robert Skibbe.
The last half of the story of Jack Purdom's life including the Ramona bank robbery and capture is to be broadcast at 8 p.m. Saturday on Gang Busters, KFBI.
The Durham Chamber of Commerce will make the rounds of surrounding towns May 20 whooping it up for the town's big 60th anniversary celebration to be held in Durham May 28 and 29.