60 years ago
Mr. and Mrs. J.D. Adams observed their 59th wedding anniversary Sept. 20. The date also was the 87th birthday of Mr. Adams. Mr. and Mrs. Adams were honored guests at a family gathering Sunday at the home of their eldest grandson, Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Linnens. Many relatives and all of the couple's children, with the exception of a daughter, Mrs. Orville Ballard of Crab Orchard, Neb., were present.
Miss Phyllis Beu, talented daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Beu, was the featured singer Monday evening at the annual Governor's Banquet and Ball of the Mo-Kan-Ark district Kiwanis convention at the Blue Moon in Wichita. Miss Beu is a music major and Phillips University.
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Riddle were hosts to the Marion County Editor's Association Friday evening at a hamburger fry in their back yard. Present for the occasion were Mr. and Mrs. Earl Fickertt, Peabody; Mr. and Mrs. C.P. Ashcraft and Keith, Hillsboro; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Clasen and Dick, Florence; Mr. and Mrs. Wharton Hoch and Dick, Mr. and Mrs. Claud Dixon and Pat, and Mr. and Mrs. Riddle.
Private licenses were earned at the Marion Airport last week by Leon Hayen, Cecil Post, and Bill Utting, bringing the total for the month to six private pilots.
A very delightful hamburger fry was held Monday evening in the fine picnic unit which Mrs. Fred Oyer has arranged in her back yard. The pleasant evening was a birthday surprise on Miss Zoe Marner. The following guests were present: Miss Marner, Mrs. Marner, Mrs. Charlotte Wheeler, George Wheeler, Mrs. Lucinda Dockstader, Mr. and Mrs. J.L. Jones, Mrs. Lillian Pierce, Mrs. Marie Jones and Mrs. Oyer.
Slusser has moved in a rig and are drilling on the block leased by Ward McGinness on the Herman Schlotthauer farm. They started drilling on Sunday.
The railroad company had a force of men at Canada last week taking down the stockyards.
Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Frick of Tampa are the proud parents of a baby daughter born September 12 at St. Francis Hospital in Wichita. The little miss was named Mary Ann.
"Swede" Williams, power boat racer, qualified to enter the Mexican Regatta to be held in Old Mexico in the near future by placing fifth in the elimination runabout at the U.S. Nationals at Brownwood, Texas