60 years ago
Jan. 3, 1946
Twenty men reported out for town team practice Tuesday evening with Eugene Knackstedt as manager. Among those attending the practice were Kenneth Nelson, Arnold Schwemmer, Doug Herbert, Bob Ecker, Bob Bailey, Bob Edmunds, Lawrence Burnett, Merle Ayler, H.C. Post, Art Schmersey, and Francis Roberts.
Walter Allen received delivery of the first 1946 passenger car to be retailed in Marion. It is a moonbeam gray, deluxe 2-door Ford.
Edwin Beau, manager of the Mack Hardware, was installed Monday noon as president of the Marion Kiwanis Club for 1946. Other officers installed included David W. Wheeler, Jr. and Wharton Hoch. New members of the board of directors are Rev. Robert Spencer, Earl Priebe, Frank Nelson, and Jacob Siebert.
Norma Jean Amick honored Jeanne Carpenter Saturday evening at a dinner at her home. Guests were Jeanne, Phyllis Beau, Suzanne Wheeler, Jackie Hawbecker, LaVerna Knight, Marjie Frazier, and Mary Lou Tibbetts.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Keazer have moved into an apartment at the home of Mrs. Blanche Shahan.
A new club, as yet unnamed, has been organized by a group of Marion young women. Their first social event was held Saturday at the Country Club. Organizers of the club include Dorothy Ecker, Elaine Ensminger, Barbara Hollar, Barbara Lea Knight, Nadine Myers, Corrine Nelson, Hannah Mae Phillips, Mary Ray, Doris Schmersey, Billie Schwemmer, and Dorothy Wright.
Buddy Hannaford is confined to his home this week with an ear infection.