60 years ago
november 1, 1945
The first new Chevrolet passenger car for 1946 to be received in this area will be on display at the Paul Seifert Motor Company this Saturday, November 3, according to word from Mr. Seifert. Features of the new Chevrolet include new wide-range radiator grille, new hood ornaments, massive bumpers and new colors. The interior features a new two-tone instrumental panel, concealed steps, continued knee action and vacuum power shift.
Shoes went off the ration list Wednesday, but that doesn't make shoes a bit more plentiful, Augie Schoneman said today. The situation on shoes has never been more critical and all dealers' stocks will remain extremely low for some months to come.
The H.J. Tiemeier store in Lincolnville is completing installation of a modern 300 locker cold storage plant. They have built a building just north of their store to house the plant.
Richard Rhode entertained a number of his friends at a Halloween party Tuesday night at his home. Guests were Joyce Keazer, Darlene Zeller, June Avery, Norma Sly, Treva Kelsey, Virginia Wright, Kathryn Popp, Donna Miesse, Roger Ireland, Monty Frazier, Buddy Hannaford, Max Merrill, Kent Richmond, Junior Powell, and Tim Burkholder.
Lt. Col. Rankin, known as "Ding" to Marion friends, has assumed the position of sales manager of the Beech Aircraft Corporation. Col Rankin has been associated with Beechcraft since its earliest days and served as chief pilot of Beechcraft for several years prior to being called into active service in the army.
Rainfall in October totaled .99 of an inch, falling on five different days in the month.