60 years ago
Mrs. Frank Hagans entertained with a dinner Thursday evening for her son, S 1/C Bob Hagans, who was here for a few days from Farragut, Idaho. The following were guests: Rosse and Junior Case, Donald Wright, Gene Nelson, and Jack Beaston.
Mrs. Wayne Varenhorst and Dicky Wayne have moved to the Scott apartment recently vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Homer Miesse.
John H. Riddle, who suffered a crushed leg in an accident early in November, was able to be downtown Tuesday for the first time since he was hurt. Mr. Riddle will be forced to wear his cast for some little time yet.
The Junior Athena Club entertained the Sub Deb girls with a military party Monday evening at the city building. Invitations in the form of "draft" notices to report for picnic duty in fatigue clothes had been sent to members of both clubs by the hostesses, Mrs. Gene Knackstedt and Mrs. Jack Burkholder.
The 1939 Chevrolet owned by Jay Beaston was damaged Saturday morning when the driver of an army truck, who had made a wrong turn at the corner of Fourth and Main, backed into Main Street. The truck struck the Beaston car which Jack was driving, crumpling the hood badly.
Word is received in Marion that Sgt. Steve Winchester is missing in the South Pacific. No further details are available.
Miss Donna Powell entertained members of the MCK Club Jan. 17 with a chili supper at her home. Those present were Donna Powell, Rose Marie Avery, Coleen Vogel, Sylvia Stika, Ruth Klein, Anita Seifert, and Alta Stenzel.