60 years ago
ebruary 28, 1946
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Varenhorst are preparing to open a new clothing store in Marion in the near future, featuring women's and children's clothing, it was learned this week. The new store, which will be known as "Van's" will be located across from the post office formerly occupied by the Western Auto Store.
Lawrence Burnett has been employed as Marion city marshal and will assume his duties about March 1. Ollie Wight who has served in that capacity 18 years, resigned January 1.
The beautiful dark sorrel stallion with light mane and tail, which June Jost has been riding about town so proudly for the past week, is a Tennessee Walking Horse belonging to Dr. Albert Wheeler of Newton. The stallion, which will make the season at June Jost's, is the only horse of its kind in this community.
Mrs. Douglas Herbert entertained with a wiener roast Tuesday evening, Feb. 26, in the city park honoring Billie's eighth birthday. Guests included the girls of the second grade and their teacher, Miss Willming, and Karen Brodhead, Carolyn Merrill, Margie Ann Bernhardt, Diana Herbert and Patricia Ann Dixon.
The flying bug has bitten even more Marion people. Latest recruit to the flying classes is Roscoe King, who is proving to be an apt student. Mrs. King went up with Maurice Brooker during the weekend but does not express quite the enthusiasm of the husband.
Al "Swede" Wiliams, local oil dealer and speed boat enthusiast, left Wednesday for Brownsville, Texas, where he will enter the big annual "Charro Days Regatta" races held each year in the port of Brownsville. Mr. Williams who has won many speed boat racing events will drive his class C hydroplane and class C runabout in three races.