Big brother
In Kansas, conversations can be tape recorded without all parties being aware of it. State statute allows only one party to be aware of the recording, which typically is the person who is operating the machine.
A little unnerving, isn't it?
The questions have to be asked:
Why would legislators pass this kind of a bill? I guess those who would practice such underhanded behavior. And for what purpose? CIA and KBI come to mind.
And more importantly, what kind of a person, especially one in a position of power, would actually do this kind of thing?
My "future" better half and I recently attended a Martina McBride concert in Wichita. It was so refreshing to see a family-oriented concert with a positive role model for young women instead of a half-baked, half-dressed female encouraging teens and pre-teens to participate in destructive behavior.
Whatever happened to the streetscape idea for downtown? Eloise Mueller brought it before the city council several times and was told each time it would have to be discussed at budget time.
It is budget time again and hopefully the council will include it in their plans.
Kudos to the Chingawassa Days steering committee for another job well done.
It takes hours of preparation, and sometimes blood, sweat, and tears to pull this thing off every year.
People are still talking about the Elvis competition.
I do wish there was another alternative for admission such as a family pack of buttons or ways for people to win buttons prior to the event.
I've heard comments from some local families who would like to attend but cannot afford the admission price.
It will be interesting to see how the Sedgwick County Commission votes regarding their budget plan for next year.
A major jail expansion is on their monumental list of items.
Doesn't it seem like a reasonable idea to require all newly elected city council members and mayors to attend training before taking their seats on the boards?
Some cities have in-house training but that doesn't cut it because the council members only could be informed about issues the city officials think are important and the information may not be accurate.
The training should be done by an independent agency and include a broad range of information.
And now I have reason number 238 not to ride a roller coaster.
Amusement park daredevils in Hot Springs, Ark., were left dangling, upside down, 150 feet above the ground when the electricity short-circuited at the park. It took rescuers 30 minutes to bring down the riders.
I figure getting behind the wheel of a car and taking to our streets and highways is danger enough for me.