BIRTHS: Gage Ryan Branson

Jennifer and Jesse Branson of Houston, Texas, are the parents of a son, Gage Ryan Branson, born at 6:34 p.m. Sept. 4, 2002, at Hillsboro Community Medical Center.

Gage weighed 7 pounds 5 ounces and was 19 inches long.

Maternal grandparents are Marvin and Paula Wyss, Marion. Rick and Khrista Branson, Marion, are the paternal grandparents.

Great-grandparents are Richard Sr. and Lucille Wyss of Florence, Paul and Reba Stoner of Gatewood, Mo., Melvin and Billy Branson of Emporia, Alice Van Buren of Marion, and the late Earl Van Buren.

Gage also has an aunt, Patricia Wyss of Wichita, and two uncles, Travis Wyss of El Dorado and Jack Branson of Houston, Texas.
