Marion City Councilman Stacey Collett may have hit the nail on the head when he said the city grant program might need "more teeth."
The concept of helping businesses is a good one. But, giving away taxpayers' money to private businesses can get sticky.
There are lots of unanswered questions with the current grant program.
Consider, for instance, whether the city could be accused of providing an unfair advantage to one business over another?
For example, two identical businesses in town sell widgets. Business A is a new business, only open a few months. Business B has been here for 50 years. Both apply for city business grants to buy inventory. Business A is approved. Business B is denied.
What do you think?
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We're not in the practice of publishing anonymous letters to the editor, but a note came across our desk recently that begs comment.
Gentlemen, remove your hats. It doesn't matter if it's a ball cap, stocking cap, or cowboy hat — if you're inside, take it off.
Nothing is more irritating than to go to a program and have to bob and weave to see around the big hat in front of you.