Burdick correspondent
Charles Gutsch attended the Christmas program Dec. 19 at Centre High School. Shelby Deines played in the band.
The Burdick United Methodist Church Sunday school program was held Dec. 20 at the church. Lots of parents, grandparents, and friends attended the program. Karen Carlson gave a welcome. The Christmas alphabet was presented by the Sunday school children and adult Sunday school members. Several songs were presented by the children, along with a short play, "The Cape." Refreshments of cookies, punch, and coffee were served in fellowship hall following the program.
Charles and Darlene attended the instrumental winter concert Dec. 21 at Herington High School. Their grandson, Anthony Gutsch is in the eighth grade and plays trombone in the band.
Dean Forsberg visited with Evelyn Forsberg Thursday afternoon.
Charles and Darlene Gutsch were Dec. 23 supper guests of her sister, Doris and Gene Winkler at Marion. Other guests were Dorothy Rindt, Debi Kreutzman, Lisa Anderson of Wichita, Bruce Winkler, Brian and Sherri Hess, Macy, Kelli, Erika, and Jake, Marion. Other evening guests were Kenny and Bonnie Rindt of Marion.
Sunday afternoon visitors of Charles and Darlene Gutsch were Jessica Deines and Dustin Burnett of Lincolnville and Jim Gutsch and Rodney Gutsch of Emporia. Their wives were at Edmond Steiners at Pilsen, making ready a Christmas Eve supper.
Evelyn Forsberg spent Friday with Harry Schump at Herington. She and Harry visited Earl and Ruth Schump in the afternoon.
Bret and Lisa Beye entertained with a Christmas dinner at their home at Herington. Their guests were Elizabeth Beye, Cuyler and Chelsea Cowach, Bill and Judy Peterson, Ron and Jenny Schrader, Shae and Hunter, Cedar and Kelli Salazar, Rigo and Mario, Emily Peterson, Mary Deane Peterson, Roger Peterson, Burdette and Maureen Peterson, Rolland Peterson, Marvin and Shelly Peterson and Josie, Scott Peterson, Eric Peterson, Samantha Beye, and Dave and Sara Denley, Ben and Abbey.
Saturday dinner guests of Evelyn Forsberg were Harry Schump and Jane Rickenbrode, Wade and Morgan. Keith and Bonnie Sue Hefner of Waggoner, Okla., came Saturday afternoon for a visit with Evelyn Forsberg. Other Saturday afternoon visitors were Dean and Nanette Forsberg, Savannah and Ethan, Marcus and Sabrina Dunkin and Logan of Rose Hill, and Joe Forsberg of Salina.
Sunday dinner guests of Evelyn Forsberg were her houseguests, Keith and Bonnie Sue, Harry Schump of Herington, and Jane Rickenbrode, Wade and Morgan of Council Grove. Dean Forsberg was an evening visitor. Her houseguests, Keith and Bonnie Sue Hefner left early Christmas morning for their home at Waggoner, Okla.
Tom and Lynley Remy, Tad, Tye, and Katie were Christmas Eve supper guests of Lee and Elinor Remy.
Charles and Arlene were Christmas Eve dinner guests of Jean and Kent Brunner at Ramona. Other guests were Jill Brunner and Tucker, John and Amy Hanely of Salina, Nolan and Melissa Brunner and Leah, Ken and Alice Peterson of Herington, and Jonnie and Cicely Karst, Rylee and Preslee of Wichita.
Lee and Elinor Remy visited Harold Diepenbrock of Herington Monday evening.
Earl Peterson visited Ollie Peterson at the Herington hospital Monday evening.
Tad Remy of Manhattan was a Tuesday and Friday dinner guest of Lee and Elinor Remy.
Charles and Darlene Gutsch were Christmas Day guests of Jeff and Gayla Deines, Jessica, Shelby, and Justin at Lost Springs. Others there were Perry and Amy Gutsch, Anthony and Whitney of Herington and Dustin Burnett of Lincolnville. They enjoyed a gift exchange and meal together.
Earl and Lois Peterson entertained with a Christmas Eve supper for the following: Phil and Jamie Peterson, Chris Peterson, Adrienne Peterson, John Richards, Jim and Marilyn Peterson, Mike Peterson and Kasey, Matt and Jamey Dalke, Reagan and Tyler, Rick and Donna Schroer, Ken and Katherine Biehler, Gene and Marie Thorton, Roger Peterson, Rolland Peterson, and Ruth Riggin.
Charles and Arlene Carlson attended a Christmas Day supper at the home of Loren and Orville Brunner. Other guests were friends and relatives including Kent and Jean Brunner, Jill Brunner and Tucker, Tracy and Yvonne Brunner and Tanner, Mark Brunner and friend, Penny.
Earl and Lois Peterson were among other guests who enjoyed a two o'clock dinner Christmas Day at the home of Phil and Jamie Peterson.