Burdick correspondent
(785) 983-4397
Jan Creger, Jacob and Caleb of Ridgedale, Mo., were Jan. 18-20 guests of Lee and Elinor Remy. While here, they celebrated the second birthday of the twins, Jacob and Caleb and Lee Remy's birthday. Other guests were Tom and Lynley Remy, Tad, Tye, and Katie. Jan Creger and twins returned to their home early Saturday morning because of the weather forecast of snow. She was lucky and only encountered snow flurries.
Burdick UMW meeting canceled Jan. 17, was held Jan. 24 at Burdick United Methodist Church fellowship hall. There were 10 members and one guest present. Devotions were given by Jean Ecklund. The call to prayer and self-denial lesson was given by Ruth Ann Carlson. She also was the hostess. The next meeting will be at 7:30 p.m. Feb. 14 at the Burdick UM Church fellowship hall.
There will be a community fund-raiser for Jan and Phil Smith at 5:30 p.m. Saturday at the Burdick United Methodist Church fellowship hall. A supper of beef sandwiches, salads, and desserts will be sold by donation. A valentine auction will follow.
Greg and Rita Strand of Overland Park were weekend guests of Irvin and Audine Strand.
Charles Gutsch attended a Herington Middle School vs. Council Grove basketball game Thursday at Herington. His grandson, Anthony Gutsch, is on the Herington team.
Evelyn Forsberg and Dean Forsberg were Wednesday guests of Harry Schump at Herington. He treated all to lunch at the Mansion at noon.
Earl and Lois Peterson were hosts to their card club Sunday evening at the Golden Age meeting room at Herington. Others attending were Ruth Riggin, Lee and Elinor Remy, Linnea Barlow, Bonnie Sill, LaVerna Miller, Vic and Helen Brunner, and Alice and Ken Peterson.
Mary Deane Peterson visited Ollie Peterson at the Herington hospital Sunday afternoon. She was a Sunday supper guest of Bill and Judy Peterson.
Due to the generosity of a neighbor, Steve Schild, Duane and Pat Neustrom were able to get to their early Monday morning jobs at Emporia and Herington. Schild cleaned their driveway of snow.
Sunday guests of Evelyn Forsberg for a birthday celebration for Harry Schump were the honored guest, Mike and Jane Rickenbrode, Wade and Morgan, Savannah and Ethan Forsberg, and Dean Forsberg.
Mary Deane Peterson accompanied Lisa Beye, Cuyler and Chelsea of Herington and Burdette and Maureen Peterson to Wichita Saturday afternoon. They visited Ron and Jenny Schrader, Shea and Hunter. The group was joined by Caesar and Kelli Salazar, Rigo and Mario at a Mexican restaurant to celebrate Lisa Beye's birthday.