Burdick correspondent
(785) 983-4397
A large crowd attended the community fund-raiser for Phil and Jan Smith Saturday evening at Burdick United Methodist Church fellowship hall.
The local church activity committee from the Methodist church, volunteers from Hebron Lutheran, and community volunteers planned the fund-raiser.
Table decorations of flower arrangements in red, white, pink, and mauve with ribbon streamers, heart confetti, and bowls of candy were created by Sally Barlow. Pastor Rick Branson and his wife, Khrista handled the selling of the items for the auction and were assisted by local auctioneer, Byron Bina, son of Bob and Jeanette Bina of Lincolnville. Connie Johnson served as clerk for the auction.
There was a large variety of items donated for the valentine auction following the supper, including flowers, candy, decorated cookies, cupcakes, cheesecakes, pies, sweet rolls, and lots of other baked goods. Other unusual items auctioned off included afghans, K-State and KU items, hay and alfalfa bales, welding or construction labor, a massage, jewelry, gift boxes, movie night and an ice cream sundae party.
Burdette and Maureen Peterson took Mary Deane Peterson out for Sunday dinner at the Ramona Café.
Charles Gutsch attended the Centre vs. Olpe basketball game at Centre Friday night. His granddaughters, Jessica Deines and Shelby Deines, play on the Centre teams.
Dean Forsberg and Logan Dunkin of Rose Hill were Tuesdays morning visitors of Evelyn Forsberg. Dean Forsberg was a Wednesday dinner guest of Evelyn Forsberg. Marcus and Sabrina Dunkin and Logan of Rose Hill were Friday afternoon visitors of Evelyn. Nanette Forsberg was a Saturday morning visitor of Evelyn Forsberg. Mike and Jane Rickenbrode, Wade and Morgan of Council Grove were Saturday evening visitors. Wade and Morgan were overnight guests of their grandmother.
Keep Arlene Carlson and her family in your prayers this week. Her sister, Esther Werneke of White City died Saturday morning. Funeral services were held Tuesday morning at White City Methodist church.
Roger and Rolland Peterson were Wednesday afternoon visitors of Mary Deane Peterson.
Forrest and Marie Anderson have made hospital calls in the past two weeks to Mabel Hendricks, Harold Diepenbrock, Earl Hermstine, and Ollie Peterson.
Out-of-town relatives attending the Smith benefit Saturday evening were Phil's brother, John and Kitty Smith and their children, Mike and Lori Harvey and Ethan and Ben Smith and fiancée Shelby, all of Wichita.
Mary Deane Peterson, accompanied by Nancy Hanson, went to Wichita Sunday afternoon to pick up Josie Peterson and bring her home to Lincolnville.
Mike and Jane Rickenbrode, Wade and Morgan of Council Grove and Evelyn Forsberg attended church services Sunday morning at Herington. They were guests of Harry Schump for dinner at noon at The Mansion. They visited Harry at his home in the afternoon.
There will be a baby shower at 2 p.m. Saturday at Burdick United Methodist Church fellowship hall for Jeff and Jaime Peterson.