Burdick correspondent
(785) 983-4397
Colberg-Smith #147 Legion and Auxiliary members will have a family covered dish meal at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday at the Legion hall. The occasion is to celebrate the Legion's birthday. Ice cream and cake will be served after supper.
Perry Gutsch of Herington was a Monday morning guest of Charles and Darlene Gutsch. He helped saw the rest of our trees from the ice storm damage.
Burdick United Methodist Women met Wednesday evening at the church for the February meeting. Kathy Beneks-Bloom presided. The prayer and self-denial lesson was given by Ruth Ann Carlson, devotions by Kiki Krause, and refreshments by Arlene Carlson and Kathy Bloom. Fourteen members were present. Many members received Valentine gifts.
Nanette Forsberg hosted a birthday party Wednesday evening for Ethan Forsberg and Marcus Dunkin at Herington. Attending were Savannah Forsberg, Sabrina Dunkin, Allen and Connie Thomas of Council Grove, Harry Schump of Herington, Joe Forsberg of Salina, Nancy Hickman, and Earl and Evelyn Forsberg.
Kelly Pearl of Wamego and Mr. and Mrs. Jake Tindle and Hannah of Hutchinson were Friday afternoon guests of Neva Peterson. They had helped clean up ice storm damage at Ruth Riggin's.
Darlene Gutsch attended a program, "Hoops for Heart," Wednesday morning at Herington Elementary School. Whitney Gutsch was a participant. Charles Gutsch attended the same program in the afternoon to watch Anthony Gutsch.
Guests Thursday evening of Jane and Mike Rickenbrode, Wade and Morgan of Council Grove were Harry Schump, Earl and Ruth Schump of Herington, and Earl and Evelyn Forsberg.
Marie Anderson attended a ladies' church meeting Thursday afternoon at St. Paul Lutheran Church at Herington.
Darlene Gutsch received a note from Isla Rose Nelson who now resides at 406 W. State St., Cottage 33, Lindsborg. She is doing well, enjoying events at Bethany Home and her church. She sends greetings to her friends at Burdick.
Irvin Strand was a Monday afternoon visitor of Earl and Evelyn Forsberg.
Sabrina Dunkin and Dean Forsberg, Savannah and Ethan were Tuesday visitors of Earl and Evelyn Forsberg.
Several from our community attended the annual Agri-Producers meal and meeting Saturday noon at Tampa Senior Center.
Cicely Karst and Riley of Wichita were Wednesday overnight guests of Mike and Linda Carlson. Charles and Arlene Carlson visited Thursday afternoon with them.
Charles Gutsch attended the Morris County Senior Citizens Inc. board of directors meeting Monday afternoon at White City Senior Center.
Our condolences to D. Lowell Miller and family. His sister-in-law, Lucile A. (Swanson) Swedberg, a sister of the late Ina Miller, died Jan. 28 at Cheyenne, Wyo. She was born at Burdick on Nov. 19, 1911, and lived in the area for part of her life. Services were held Feb. 1 at St. Christopher Episcopal Church. Interment was in Memorial Gardens, Casper, Wyo.
Fifteen Burdick senior citizens met Friday noon for the February meeting. Fried chicken was furnished to go with the covered dish meal. Linnea Barlow won the door prize. Twenty-four Centre Elementary second grade students presented a musical program, entertaining us with patriotic, folk, and fun songs. Others with the students were instructor Lynley Remy, teacher Shirley Gutsch, and bus driver Melanie Kaiser. All were given candy bar treats. Watch this column or senior calendar for details of the March meeting.
My thought for the week: don't advertise your troubles; there's no market for them.