

Burdick correspondent

(785) 983-4397

Jessica and Justin Deines were Monday afternoon visitors of Charles and Darlene Gutsch. Jessica had done some computer work for her grandmother.

Perry Gutsch was a Sunday visitor of Charles and Darlene Gutsch.

Burdick UMW will meet at 7:30 tonight (Wednesday) at the Burdick UM fellowship hall. Devotions will be given by Diana Jost. Linda Peterson is the lesson leader. Jean Ecklund is the hostess.

Charles and Darlene Gutsch attended an OES Esther club meeting Monday night at Herington. It was a lasagna supper and meeting at the Golden Age meeting room. Eleven members were present.

Neva Peterson accompanied Ila Lee Schump and Mary Lee Edmonson to visit Paul Anderson Monday afternoon at Council Grove.

Linnea Barlow and Dean Forsberg were Monday afternoon visitors of Evelyn Forsberg.

Charles and Darlene Gutsch attended a presentation of "The Princess and the Pea" by Herington Middle School vocal class Thursday at Hilltop Auditorium. Their grandson, Anthony Gutsch, was in the cast. The cast, crew, and directors are to be commended on this play.

There will be a community baby shower at 2 p.m. April 1 for Tory and John Jost of St. Mary's. It will be held at Burdick UM fellowship hall.

Twenty-seven attended the potluck dinner, awards presentation, and American Legion birthday party Tuesday evening at the Burdick Legion hall. Awards were presented to Elmer Otte and Warren Dix, membership; Candice Denault, Salina, 50-year pin; and Neva Peterson, membership. Warren Dix and Candice Denault were unable to attend.

Elmer Otte's guests were his sister, Leona Otte, brother and sister-in-law, Walter and Katherine Otte, and sister and brother-in-law, Viola and Wayne Hubbard of Herington. After the awards ceremony, the auxiliary served birthday cake and ice cream. Each organization then had their respective meetings. The next American Legion meeting will be at 7:30 p.m. April 3. The next auxiliary meeting will be at 7:30 p.m. May 1.

Perry and Dorothy Hudson of Herington were Monday morning visitors of Mary Deane Peterson.

Charlene McCrae of Council Grove and Evelyn Forsberg enjoyed lunch together Tuesday at the Saddle Rock Café in Council Grove.

Mary Deane Peterson was a Friday evening supper guest of Bill and Judy Peterson at Herington. She also visited Oliver Peterson at the Herington hospital.

Morgan Rickenbrode of Council Grove was a Friday overnight and Saturday guest of Evelyn Forsberg.

Ethan Forsberg was a Thursday afternoon visitor of Evelyn Forsberg and she accompanied him to the FFA work auction at Centre.

Those attending the API annual dinner and meeting March 10 at the Tampa Senior Center were Glen Carlson and Andy, Elmer Otte, Leona Otte, Randy Ecklund, Forrest Anderson, Charles and Darlene Gutsch, and Joyce and Ruth Ann Carlson.

Harry Schump was a Sunday dinner guest of Evelyn Forsberg. Afternoon visitors were Dean and Nanette Forsberg and Savannah.

Earl and Lois Peterson and Ivan and Mary Morgan were Saturday evening supper guests of Walt and Katherine Otte.

Marvin and Shelly Peterson of Lincolnville and Burdette Peterson were Saturday evening visitors of Mary Deane Peterson.

Saturday dinner guests of Evelyn Forsberg were Elaine Prichard of Colorado, Marcus and Sabrina Dunkin and Logan of Rose Hill, and Morgan Rickenbrode. Nanette Forsberg was an afternoon visitor. Saturday evening visitors were Savannah Forsberg, Mike, Jane, and Wade Rickenbrode. Morgan returned home with her parents.

Last Week's News

Charles Gutsch attended the farm meeting Wednesday sponsored by Jerry Cady Agency and Central National Bank at Marion City Building.

Harry Schump and Dean Forsberg, Savannah and Ethan were Tuesday afternoon visitors of Evelyn Forsberg.

Perry Gutsch of Herington was a Friday afternoon visitor of Charles and Darlene Gutsch.

Audine Strand and Dean Forsberg were Wednesday afternoon visitors of Evelyn Forsberg. Dean was her Thursday dinner guest.

The Burdick senior citizens will meet at noon Friday. It will be a potluck dinner at the Burdick American Legion building.

Mary Deane Peterson accompanied Burdette and Maureen Peterson to Lindsborg Tuesday evening where the Council Grove girls played basketball. Before the game, Maureen and Mary Deane visited Isla Rose Nelson at her home in Lindsborg. She sends her greetings to everyone in Burdick.

Savannah Forsberg took Evelyn Forsberg and Harry Schump to lunch Saturday at the Pizza Hut in Herington.

Wednesday evening visitors of Mary Deane Peterson were Scott Peterson and Kristen Evenson of El Dorado.

Carla Engler was a Friday morning visitor of Neva Peterson.

Josie Peterson of Lincolnville was a Friday overnight and Saturday guest of Mary Deane Peterson.

Evelyn Forsberg, Harry Schump, and Jonathan Mayhill were Saturday evening supper guests of Mike and Jane Rickenbrode, Wade and Morgan at Council Grove.

Jake Tindle, Hannah and Cooper of Hutchinson and Ashland Biehler of Herington were Saturday evening visitors of Neva Peterson.

Saturday afternoon guests of Charles and Arlene Carlson were Jean Brunner, Jill Brunner and Tucker, Leah Brunner, Jonnie and Cicely Karst, Rylee and Preslee, and Mike and Linda Carlson.

Bill Peterson of Herington took Mary Deane Peterson to dinner at the Mansion Sunday noon. They attended the reception for Dr. and Mrs. Bustos in the afternoon. Mary Deane Peterson also called on Oliver Peterson.

Thirty-five people attended the community baby shower for Jaime and Jeff Peterson Saturday afternoon at the Burdick United Methodist Church fellowship hall. Hostesses were Marilyn Peterson, Diana Jost, Sandy Carlson, Angie Stika, and Nancy Riggin. Some of the special guests were Jaime's mother, Linda Runyon, and her sister-in-law, Stacy Runyon and Madison of Pittsburg, Jeff's mother, Linda Peterson, his grandmothers, Paula Fike and Myrtle Peterson, his sister, Susie Omli, Sesely and Sydney of Brookville, aunts, Carla Collett and daughter and baby, Rebecca Wagner and Kira, Sandra Deines, Sara Eels, Lou Ann Fike, and Karol Fike. Gifts were opened and refreshments were served.

Charles Gutsch attended the regional girls' basketball game at Centre Thursday evening. His granddaughter, Jessica Deines plays on the Centre team.

Harry Schump of Herington and Dean Forsberg were Tuesday dinner guests of Evelyn Forsberg. Nanette Forsberg, Savannah and Ethan were late Tuesday afternoon visitors.

Charles Gutsch and others from Burdick attended the FFA appreciation pancake feed at Lincolnville Saturday morning.

Evelyn Forsberg visited Harry Schump at Herington Wednesday. Dean Forsberg and Savannah were Thursday afternoon visitors of Evelyn's.

Jean Brunner took Charles and Arlene Carlson to Wayne Knuth's funeral Friday at the Messiah Lutheran Church at Emporia. They joined other relatives for dinner at the church after the funeral. Linda and Mike Carlson also attended the funeral.

Evelyn Forsberg visited Mike and Jane Rickenbrode, Wade and Morgan at Council Grove Friday afternoon. Wade Rickenbrode returned home with Evelyn and spent the weekend.

Chelsea Cowart was an after-church dinner and afternoon guest Sunday of Mary Deane Peterson. Mary Deane took her to her home in Herington Sunday evening and was a supper guest of Bret and Lisa Beye, Cuyler and Chelsea.

Charles Gutsch visited Charles and Arlene Carlson Saturday afternoon.

Candice Deneault of Salina was a Sunday afternoon visitor of her mother, Neva Peterson and helped her with some housekeeping chores.

Forrest and Marie Anderson visited with LaVerne and Maurine Johnson Tuesday at Lindsborg.

Harry Schump was a Sunday evening supper guest of Evelyn Forsberg.

Forrest and Marie Anderson went to the visitation for Wayne Knuth Thursday evening at Roberts-Blue Funeral Home at Emporia. They were Thursday overnight guests of Gary and Karen Korte at Emporia.

Bruce and Alona Hedstrom and Leroy and Mary Louise Pritchard of Emporia were Friday lunch guests of Paul and Nadine James at Emporia. Mary Louise and Nadine were high school classmates of Wayne Knuth. They all attended the funeral in the afternoon.

Dean Forsberg hosted a Sunday dinner at the Saddle Rock Café at Council Grove. His guests were Evelyn Forsberg and Mike and Jane Rickenbrode, Wade and Morgan. They all visited in the afternoon at the Rickenbrode home.

Forrest and Marie Anderson, Irvin and Audine Strand, Burdette and Maureen Peterson, and Mary Deane Peterson attended the 65th wedding anniversary of Toby and Harriett Harmison Saturday afternoon at the Herington senior citizens center. Some of them enjoyed the performance of the Harmison family singers.

Mary Deane Peterson was a Friday evening supper of Bill and Judy Peterson, Sara Denly, Ben and Abby at Al's Café in Lost Springs.

Clint and Diane Jost entertained Saturday evening with a supper. Their guests were Paul and Claudia McGinness and Christian of Wichita and James Jost.

Charles and Arlene Carlson, Bruce and Alona Hedstrom, and Charles and Darlene Gutsch were among those who attended the benefit pancake feed Sunday evening at the Lutheran fellowship hall.
