

Burdick correspondent

(785) 983-4820

A bridal shower will be held at 2 p.m. Sunday for Bethany Baker, bride-elect of Eric Carlson, in fellowship hall at Burdick United Methodist Church.

Burdick Senior Citizens will meet Friday at Burdick United Methodist Church. The program will be presented by Marge Chamberlin of Chapman. Bring something to share for refreshments after the program. The public is invited.

Jim and Marilyn Peterson, Phil and Jamie Peterson and Chris, and Giovani Antonialli of Brazil helped Earl Peterson celebrate his 80th birthday Wednesday evening with a meal at Hays House in Council Grove. As a surprise, his daughter Dianne and Keith Miller of Grand Junction, Colo., came to help him celebrate. Lois also helped Earl celebrate.

Wade Rickenbrode of Council Grove spent from Thursday evening through Saturday with Earl and Evelyn Forsberg.

Visitors of Arlene Carlson since she returned home from the hospital were Charles Gutsch, Audine and Irvin Strand, Mike and Linda Carlson, Jean Brunner, and Linda Peterson.

Earl and Lois Peterson and their houseguests, Keith and Diane Miller of Grand Junction, Colo., visited Thursday with Rolland Peterson in St. Francis hospital in Wichita. On their way home, they stopped to see Jamey Dalke, Reagan and Tyler at Hillsboro.

Marcus and Sabrina Dunkin of Colorado were weekend guests of Dean and Nanette Forsberg, Joe, Savannah, and Ethan.

Darlene Gutsch accompanied Doris Winkler of Marion Tuesday to Wichita for a belated birthday celebration for their sister, Dorothy Rindt. They took her out for lunch and took her a birthday cake.

Rolland Peterson returned home Friday from St. Francis hospital in Wichita.

Marcus and Sabrina Dunkin of Colorado visited Friday morning with Earl and Evelyn Forsberg.

Earl Peterson's children, Jim and Marilyn Peterson, Phil and Jamie Peterson, Keith and Diane Miller of Grand Junction, Colo., hosted a barbecue Saturday evening in honor of Earl's 80th birthday at the Burdick Legion hall. More than 75 relatives were present.

Dean and Nanette Forsberg were hosts Saturday evening to a supper by a bonfire and an evening of visiting. Those attending were Marcus and Sabrina Dunkin of Colorado, Lecrecia Coss of Lincolnville, Mike and Jane Rickenbrode, Wade and Morgan and Allen and Connie Thomas, all of Council Grove, Harry Schump of Herington, Stacy Terwilliger of Ramona, Joe, Savannah, and Ethan Forsberg, Earl and Evelyn Forsberg, and Richard Forsberg.

Guests of Lauren and Orville Brunner for Easter Sunday dinner were Charles and Arlene Carlson and Nolan Brunner of Burdick, Kent and Jean Brunner of Lost Springs, Melissa Stimac of Lawrence, Tracy and Yvonne Brunner and Tanner and Mark Brunner, Brian and Chelsea of Ramona, Bernie and Ann Koch of Wichita, John and Amy Hanley of Salina, and Lauren and Katherine Brunner and Justin.

Mr. and Mrs. Bret Beye, Samantha, Elizabeth, Cuyler and Chelsea of Herington entertained with an Easter Sunday dinner for Mr. and Mrs. Ron Schrader, Shae and Hunter of Wichita, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Denley of Winfield, Emily Peterson of Lincoln, Neb., Shelly Crowder, Eric, Scott, and Josie Peterson of Lincolnville, Roger Peterson, Rolland Peterson, Pastor John Gerry, Oliver Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. Burdette Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Peterson of Burdick, and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Peterson of Herington.

Gary and Marilyn Hageberg of Burdick, Cy Goertz of Marion, and James Jost of Wamego were Easter Sunday dinner guests of Clint and Diana Jost.

Candice and Darrell Deneault of Salina spent Sunday afternoon with Neva Peterson. Other afternoon visitors were Mr. and Mrs. Dean Scaer of Little Rock, Ark. Mrs. Scaer is the former Sharon Schild.

Keith and Diane Miller of Grand Junction, Colo., returned to their home Sunday afternoon after spending several days with Earl and Lois Peterson.

Earl and Evelyn Forsberg's Sunday evening supper guests were Bill Rickenbrode of Rochledge, Fla., Berniece Rickenbrode of Hope, Mike and Jane Rickenbrode, Wade and Morgan of Council Grove, and Dean and Nanette Forsberg, Savannah and Ethan.

Charles and Darlene Gutsch joined other relatives and friends for Easter Sunday dinner at the home of Bruce Winkler of Marion.
