

Burdick correspondent

(785) 983-4820

Walter Barnes hosted a dinner Saturday at the Durham Café in honor of Wendell and Mary Deane Peterson's 55th wedding anniversary. Other guests were Marvin Peterson, Scott Peterson, Shelly Crowder, Zach Barnes, and Mr. and Mrs. Burdette Peterson.

Forrest and Marie Anderson visited Wednesday evening with Rolland Peterson.

Wade and Morgan Rickenbrode of Council Grove were Friday overnight guests of Earl and Evelyn Forsberg.

Gary and Marilyn Hageberg spent the weekend in Wichita at the KMPA convention.

Walter Barnes of Houston, Texas, and Zach Barnes of Tulsa, Okla., arrived Friday evening to visit with Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Peterson and other relatives.

Charles and Arlene Carlson were Saturday dinner guests of Kent and Jean Brunner.

Saturday morning visitors of Wendell and Mary Deane Peterson and their houseguests, Walter Barnes and Zach Barnes, were Mr. and Mrs. Bill Peterson, Shelly Crowder, Maureen Peterson, and Mr. and Mrs. Burdette Peterson.

Dr. Larry Peterson and Chuck Alexander of Granby, Colo., arrived Sunday to visit with Neva Peterson, returning home Monday morning.

Visiting Neva Peterson and her houseguests, Dr. Larry Peterson and Chuck Alexander, were Candice Deneault of Salina, Glenn Carlson and Andy, Jack Riggin, and Galen Peterson, all visiting at different times.

Mary Deane and Wendell Peterson were Sunday evening visitors of Earl and Evelyn Forsberg.
