Burdick correspondent
(785) 983-4397
April 23-29
Arlene Carlson entertained Thursday evening with a supper at their home for Charles' birthday. Guests were Mike and Linda Carlson, Kent and Jean Brunner, Jill Brunner and Tucker, Ken and Alice Peterson, Nolan and Melissa Brunner and Leah, Roger Peterson, Rolland Peterson, Earl and Lois Peterson, Irvin and Audine Strand, Clint and Diana Jost, and James Jost.
Charles and Darlene Gutsch accompanied Carol Miller of Delavan to the White City #421 Eastern Star meeting Monday evening. Darlene and Charles were installed as officers for the 2007-08 year. Darlene Gutsch and Marjorie Kendall of Council Grove served refreshments to the group.
Dan Peterson stopped at the Charles Gutsch home Tuesday afternoon to tell us of their news of the new grandson born Tuesday morning and gave us candy bar treats.
Dean Forsberg was a Wednesday morning dinner guest of Evelyn Forsberg.
John Burns of Jacksonville, Fla., was a weekend houseguest of Burdette and Maureen Peterson. Saturday evening guests at the Peterson home were John Burns, Bill and Judy Peterson, Ron and Jenny Schrader and Hunter, Marvin and Shelly Peterson, and Mary Deane Peterson.
Bill Peterson of Herington took Mary Deane Peterson to Wichita Friday morning to visit Wanda Hyler and Mr. and Mrs. Doulie Tanner. Bill and Mary Deane met Mr. and Mrs. Dave Denly, Ben and Abby of Winfield and had supper with them in Wichita before coming home.
Gayla Deines of Ramona took Darlene Gutsch to Geary Community Hospital at Junction City Thursday morning for out-patient surgery. She had cysts removed from her wrist.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Biondolino of Carthage, Ill., Jane Miles of Abilene, Harry Schump, and Dean Forsberg were Monday dinner guests of Evelyn Forsberg. Ethan Forsberg was a Monday supper guest.
Wade Rickenbrode of Council Grove was a Friday overnight and Saturday guest of Evelyn Forsberg. Joe Forsberg of Salina was a Friday evening visitor.
Charles Gutsch attended a soccer game Thursday evening at Herington. Whitney Gutsch was one of the players.
Evelyn Forsberg and Wade Rickenbrode visited Harry Schump Saturday afternoon at his home in Herington.
Charles Gutsch went to Centre High School Friday evening to view the senior projects. His granddaughter, Jessica Deines, had a project on photography, a year-long assignment in English 12.
Glen Carlson was a Tuesday afternoon visitor of Evelyn Forsberg.
Harry Schump of Herington was a Sunday dinner and afternoon guest of Evelyn Forsberg. Savannah Forsberg was a Sunday afternoon visitor.
Angela Basore hosted a party Friday evening at their home. Guests were the Basore family, Beka Basore, Shinia Turley, Dakota Spooner, and Grace Peterson. The girls came on the bus after school and spent the night. They played games all night.
Al and Lee Shade were Sunday supper guests of Ilse Phillips and Jim Hanna. Ilse served her famous schnitzel.
Ruth Riggin hosted the card club Sunday night at the Golden Age meeting room. Those attending were Ruth, Linnea Barlow, Earl and Lois Peterson, Lee and Elinor Remy, Bonnie Sill, LaVerna Miller, Vic and Helen Brunner, and Ken and Alice Peterson, Herington.
Burdick Senior Citizens will tentatively meet at 7:30 p.m. May 18 at the Legion hall. Foreign exchange students will present the program. Those attending should bring a treat to share for refreshments.