

Burdick correspondent

(785) 983-4397

Corlberg-Smith American Legion #147 and auxiliary met Tuesday evening at the Legion hall. Six Legion members and four auxiliary members attended. The Legion and auxiliary made plans to help with the Memorial Day services at the area cemeteries. The auxiliary voted to keep the same slate of officers for 2007-08. Lois Peterson served refreshments. The Legion will meet at 8 p.m. June 5 at the Legion hall.

Jon and Delores Neumayger of Council Grove were Sunday supper guests of Al and Lee Shade.

Burdick UMW met Wednesday evening at the Burdick United Methodist church fellowship hall. Devotions were given by Darlene Gutsch. The lesson will be presented by the shepherdess and refreshments will be provided by Diana Jost.

Mary Deane Peterson visited Evelyn Forsberg Tuesday afternoon. Evelyn Forsberg visited Harry Schump at Herington Wednesday afternoon.

Mike and Jane Rickenbrode, Wade and Morgan and Dean Forsberg and Savannah were Sunday supper guests of Evelyn Forsberg.

Burdick senior citizens will host a meeting at 7:30 p.m. Friday at the Burdick Legion hall. Featured on the program are two foreign exchange students who are being hosted by area families and who are juniors at Centre High School. Sarah Safbender of Germany is hosted by the Phil Peterson family at Burdick. Elya Medikhanova of Kazakhstan is hosted by the Marcus Carlson family at Lincolnville.

Dean Forsberg was a Thursday and Friday dinner guest of Evelyn Forsberg.

Charles and Darlene Gutsch and others from Burdick attended the Centre Elementary pre-K through sixth grade, "Kids on the Move," program at Centre High School gymnasium Friday evening. Lynley Remy and Stan Wiles, instructors, were in charge. As usual, the music and games provided great entertainment. Congratulations to students and instructors for a job well done.

Harry Schump of Herington, Dean Forsberg, and Logan Dunkin of Rose Hill were Saturday dinner guests of Evelyn Forsberg.

Pat and Sharon Koons hosted a Saturday evening supper for Jerry Moran. Forrest and Marie Anderson were among those attending.

Wade and Morgan Rickenbrode of Council Grove were Sunday dinner guests of Evelyn Forsberg. Afternoon visitors were Sabrina Dunkin and Logan, Dean Forsberg and Savannah.

Josie Peterson of Lincolnville was a Friday overnight guest of Mary Deane Peterson.

Perry Gutsch and Anthony of Herington were Sunday afternoon visitors of Charles and Darlene Gutsch.

Burdette and Maureen Peterson, Mary Deane Peterson and Cuyler Cowart of Herington spent Saturday and Sunday with Ron and Jenny Schrader, Shae and Hunter at Wichita. Saturday eening supper guests of the Schraders and their houseguests were Cesar and Kelli Salazar, Rigo and Mario. Ron and Jenny Schrader, Shae and Hunter joined the Gloria Dei Lutheran Church on Sunday.

Dr. Larry and Susie Peterson of Granby, Colo., and Mr. and Mrs. Josh Peterson and Lily of Grand Lake, Colo., arrived April 29 and were houseguests of Neva Peterson. Susie Peerson and Mrs. Josh Peterson and Lily returned home Tuesday and Larry and Josh on Thursday. Neva reports that she was delighted to meet her new great-granddaughter, Lily and to get to know her.

Phil and Jamie Peterson, Sarah Safbender, Joyce Roever, and Lois Peterson attended a community chorus concert of the Kansas City Community College at Kansas City Sunday afternoon. Adrienne Peterson is a member of the chorus. After the concert, they visited with Adrienne Peterson at her home in Lawrence.

Darrell and Candice Denault of Salina visited Neva and her houseguests.
