Burdick correspondent
(785) 983-4397
Burdick UMW met Wednesday at Burdick United Methodist Church fellowship hall with 12 members present. Jean Ecklund had devotions and the lesson. Kiki Krause served refreshments.
Gayla Deines took Darlene Gutsch to Wichita Wednesday for some outpatient heart tests. She had to stay overnight so Gayla was a Wednesday overnight guest of her aunt, Dorothy Rindt at Wichita. She brought her mother home late Thursday evening.
Savannah and Ethan Forsberg were Friday afternoon visitors of Evelyn Forsberg.
Ruth Riggin spent Saturday at Salina with Julie and Lyal Sader at their home.
Jane Rickenbrode and Morgan of Council Grove were Saturday guests of Evelyn Forsberg. Harry Schump of Herington was a Sunday dinner guest.
Arlene and Charles Carlson returned home Monday from a week's stay at Wesley Medical Center, Wichita. Visitors since she returned home were Ken and Alice Peterson, Don and Joyce Kemble of Herington, Mike and Linda Carlson, Jean Brunner, Jill Brunner and Tucker, Roger Peterson, Rolland Peterson, and Clint and Diana Jost.
Mary Deane Peterson attended the disability hunt and fish fry Sunday evening at French Creek Cove, Marion Reservoir with Shelly Peterson and Josie.
Tuesday afternoon visitors of Evelyn Forsberg were her cousins, Jane Mills of Abilene, Lucille Mediros of Bremerton, Wash., and Leona Rosalis of Pascagoula, Miss., Harry Schump of Herington, and Dean and Nanette Forsberg.
Mary Deane Peterson was a Sunday evening visitor of Darlene Gutsch.
Earl and Lois Peterson were Saturday afternoon visitors of Matt and Jamie Dalke, Tyler and Reagan at Lindsborg. They all enjoyed supper together at a restaurant at Smolon.
Mary Deane Peterson accompanied Maureen Peterson to Goddard Sept. 21 to visit Shae Schrader's second grade class for Grandparents' Day. Percy and Lela Mae Schrader of Herington also attended. They all got to stay for lunch after a tour of Shae's room and the school. Later, Mary Deane and Maureen went shopping and out for dinner with Kellie Salazar. On their way home, they stopped at Marion to visit Mary Haefner at Marion Assisted Living. Mary Deane reports that Mary is doing well and enjoying her new home.
Keep the following in your thoughts and prayers this week: Jean Ecklund and family at the death of her sister; Arlene Carlson, who is recuperating at home after a stay at Wesley Medical Center; and Isla Rose Nelson of Lindsborg, who will be having surgery Monday at a Wichita hospital.
Diana Jost attended a baby shower Saturday afternoon for Emily Fast at McPherson.
Clint and Diana Jost and James Jost were Sunday dinner guests of Kevin and Angy Jost at Hillsboro. Lorene Jost of Newton also was a guest. Afternoon visitors were Kevin and Angy's children, Tracy of Dodge City, Austin, Erica, and Colton Jost of Newton.