

Burdick correspondent

(785) 983-4397

Andy Carlson attended the national FFA convention Oct. 24-27 at Indianapolis, Ind. He was one of four in the nation to receive a proficiency award in home and community division for his hours of service helping at the Lincolnville Community Center. Andy, a senior, is a member of the Centre High School FFA chapter. His parents and sister, Glen and Sandy Carlson and Katie also were in Indianapolis to attend the awards ceremony, banquet, and other events. Congratulations, Andy upon receiving this award.

Pat Baker of Lawrence was a Friday overnight guest of the Jack Riggins. She was a Saturday visitor of Neva Peterson and also visited Ruth Riggin.

Mike and Jane Rickenbrode of Council Grove were Monday evening visitors of Evelyn Forsberg. Dean Forsberg was a Tuesday afternoon visitor.

Friday morning visitors of Evelyn Forsberg were Marcus Dunkin and Logan of Rose Hill and Dean Forsberg.

There was a community hayrack ride and wiener roast Oct. 28 sponsored by the Burdick United Methodist Church. Seventy energetic and warmly-clad adults and youngsters boarded three hayracks which conveyed them to the site of their fun and food — the Jack Riggin pond. They were welcomed with hot dogs and all the trimmings, apple cider, s'mores, and a bonfire. They were taken back and around town via the hayracks.

Candice Denault of Salina came Friday to visit Neva Peterson. She will stay until Monday. Darrell Denault came Sunday noon to spend the afternoon.

There was a good crowd attending the pancake feed Saturday at the Legion hall.

Perry Gutsch and Whitney of Herington came Sunday morning and went to Burdick United Methodist Church with Darlene Gutsch. Additional visitors late Sunday afternoon were Gayla Deines, Jessica of Manhattan, and Justin. They came to watch the granary and hog house and some trees being bulldozed and to take some pictures.

Saturday visitors of Evelyn Forsberg were Harry Schump of Herington and Mike and Jane Rickenbrode, Wade and Morgan of Council Grove. They all helped Evelyn with some yard work.

Evelyn Forsberg visited with Mike and Jane Rickenbrode, Wade and Morgan Sunday after church. The Rickenbrodes took Evelyn to supper at the St. John Catholic Church soup supper at Herington Sunday evening.
