Burdick correspondent
(785) 983-4397
Harry Schump of Herington hosted a dinner Thursday evening at the Saddle Rock Café in Council Grove for Evelyn Forsberg's birthday. Those attending were Evelyn, Mike and Jane Rickenbrode, Wade and Morgan, Dean and Nanette Forsberg and Ethan, Sabrina Dunkin and Logan, and Harry Schump.
Mary Deane Peterson was a Friday afternoon visitor of Evelyn Forsberg on her birthday. Carry-in dinner guests Friday evening were Mike and Jane Rickenbrode, Wade and Morgan, Council Grove; Harry Schump, Herington; Nanette Forsberg, Sabrina Dunkin and Logan, and Joe Forsberg, Salina. Marcus Dunkin was an evening visitor. Ice cream and cake were served later in the evening.
Corlberg-Smith American Legion Post #147 met Tuesday at the Legion hall. Dues for 2007 are due now.
Lee and Elinor Remy were among the 60 attending a three-year Diepenbrock family reunion Aug. 20 at the rec center at Herington.
Irvin and Audine Strand were Tuesday evening visitors of Charles and Arlene Carlson.
Dean Forsberg, Savannah and Ethan were Monday evening visitors of Evelyn Forsberg.
Dianne Miller of Grand Junction, Colo., was a Thursday afternoon visitor of Charles and Arlene Carlson.
Candice Deneault of Salina came late Wednesday afternoon and picked up Neva Peterson and took her back to Salina to spend time with Darrell and Candice. She returned home Saturday evening.
Sabrina Dunkin and Logan were Wednesday guests of Evelyn Forsberg.
Audine Strand was a Wednesday caller of Mary Deane Peterson.
Dean Forsberg, Evelyn Forsberg, and Sabrina Dunkin and Logan went out for lunch Thursday.
Rylee Karst had a tonsillectomy Wednesday and is doing well. Mike and Linda Carlson brought Preslee Karst of Wichita home with them Thursday for a few days.
The family of Shea Schrader gathered Saturday at the home of Ron and Jenny Schrader and Hunter at Wichita to celebrate her seventh birthday. Those present were Bill and Carrie Schrader of Goddard, Dave and Sara Denly, Ben and Abbey of Winfield, Bill and Judy Peterson of Herington, Josie Peterson of Lincolnville, Mary Deane Peterson, Burdette and Maureen Peterson, and Lisa Beye, Cuyler and Chelsea and friends, Jordan Herpich and Lathan Griffin. The kids, mothers, and grandmothers enjoyed a two-hour bus tour of Wichita on a party bus.
Wade Rickenbrode was a Friday evening through Sunday evening visitor of Evelyn Forsberg.
Scott Peterson of El Dorado, Selena Seifert of Lost Springs, and Josie Peterson were Sunday afternoon visitors of Mary Deane Peterson.
Harry Schump, Mike and Jane Rickenbrode, Wade and Morgan were Sunday dinner guests of Evelyn Forsberg. Mary Deane Peterson was a Sunday evening visitor.
Charles and Arlene Carlson were Sunday afternoon visitors of Kent and Jean Brunner, Jill Brunner and Tucker at Ramona.
Keith and Dianne Miller of Grand Junction, Colo., and Earl and Lois Peterson went to Wichita and met Donna Schroer, Rick Schroer, and Cheryl James for an evening meal. Keith and Dianne Miller left Thursday for Topeka where they will visit relatives there until Monday when they will return to their home at Grand Junction.