Burdick seniors to meet
Burdick correspondent
(785) 983-4820
Burdick senior citizens will meet at noon Friday at the Legion Hall for a covered dish meal. Meat will be furnished. Charles and Elaine Norman will present a program. There also will be an in-gathering for cheer baskets.
Earl and Lois Peterson, Walter and Kathryn Otte, and Geneva Wallace attended a dance party Friday at Barb's Café in Herington.
Earl and Evelyn Forsberg visited Mary Jane Randle in Council Grove Tuesday afternoon.
Forrest and Marie Anderson attended the 67th annual seasonal celebration entitled "Peace on Earth" Dec. 4 at the W.L. White Auditorium at Emporia. Their granddaughter Erin is a member of the chorale concert choir.
Morgan and Wade Rickenbrode of Council Grove were Wednesday evening supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Forsberg. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Rickenbrode were evening guests and Wade and Morgan returned home with them. Joe and Ethan Forsberg also were evening callers. The Earl Forsbergs visited Earl and Ruth Schump of Herington Thursday evening. Wade Rickenbrode was a Friday overnight guest. Wade and Morgan spent Saturday and Sunday with their grandparents.
Forrest and Marie Anderson visited Goldie Steely on Friday at Salina Regional Hospital.
Charles and Arlene Carlson were Friday dinner guests of Kenneth and Alice Peterson of Herington. Other dinner guests were Esther Wernecke of White City and Gary and Joan Wernecke of Atlanta, Ga.
Charles and Jean Carlson were Friday evening visitors at the home of Kent and Jean Brunner and played with Tucker McGrath.
Evelyn Forsberg attended the Morris County Republican Women's meeting in Council Grove Saturday morning.
Earl and Lois Peterson met Walter and Kathryn Otte, Lyman Knasstad, and David Gillett on Saturday at Al's Café in Lost Springs.
Sunday afternoon guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dean Forsberg, Joe, Savannah, and Ethan for snacks, ice cream, and cake celebrating Savannah's 14th birthday were Mr. and Mrs. Allen Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Rickenbrode, Wade and Morgan, Sabrina Forsberg of Emporia, Nancy Hickman, Earl and Evelyn Forsberg, and Richard Forsberg.