division cases
The following information has been filed in the Civil Division of Marion County District Court:
Wells Fargo Bank, National Association vs. Douglas D. Williams and Sheila M. Williams, journal entry of dismissal with certificate of service.
Warren J. Biehler et al vs. Frankie J. Biehler et al, status hearing at 10 a.m. Dec. 6.
Tampa State Bank vs. Susan E. Cooper, order of dismissal, lack of prosecution.
Tampa State Bank vs. Tierney Fredrickson, order of dismissal, lack of prosecution.
Sorkel Kadir et al vs. Christopher L. Jones et al, motion hearing at 9:30 a.m. Nov. 8.
Jacob Wayne Rutz vs. Lewis R. Barnett et al, jury trial at 9 a.m. Feb. 21.
Ima J. Ballard vs. Allan Richmond, Dorothy Richmond, and Lyle Leppke, jury trial at 8:30 a.m. Jan. 10.
Dennis Anderson et al vs. Basil S. McNelly et al, journal entry of dismissal.
American General Finance, Inc. vs. Aaron Blazek, Robin T. Blazek, and Great Plains Federal Credit Union, mortgage foreclosure.
Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems Inc. vs. Charlotte Coleman, Chris Coleman, and Tampa State Bank, mortgage foreclosure.
Janice M. Brundage vs. Sue Ellen Woods, journal entry of default judgment.
U.S. Bank National Association vs. Samuel Smith, Jennifer Lynn Smith, and Board of County Commissioners, journal entry of judgment of foreclosure.