Tampa correspondent

(785) 965-2285

The day this news is being written is a beautiful, sunny spring day. Several of the usual news sources are apparently out enjoying it, so news is pretty sparse this week.

The Tampa Community Association is sponsoring a supper Saturday evening at the senior center followed by a free movie.

Susie Rziha and Cecilia Rziha are spending the spring break with Jerry and Jeanne Rziha, Julie and Bermet.

Frank and Anna Mae Stika, Lori Moldenhauer, and Lisa Hanschu attended the visitation for Tillie Stika at the funeral home in Marion Monday evening. The Stikas also attended the funeral at Pilsen Tuesday.

Lucille Kerbs accompanied Julie Kerbs and Ashton Smith and Sydney to Burdick Sunday afternoon. They attended a baby shower for Sydney at the Methodist church there.

McKenna Crosby and Kaylee Hall of Herington were overnight guests of Tom and Dee Duggan March 7. On Saturday the Duggans took the girls to Junction City for their last basketball game of the season.

Jerry and Jeanne Rziha, Julie and Bermet spent the weekend in Atchison visiting John and Jeanne Rziha, Michael, Christopher, Joseph, Timothy, Thomas, and Charles and David and Caterina Rziha and Isobel. Other family members visiting during the weekend were Emilio and Janie Aita and Antonio of Chippewa Falls, Wis., and Susie Rziha and Cecilia Rziha of Wichita. All attended a production of the community children's theater in which Michael and Christopher performed.

Tom and Dee Duggan and Linda Ihde attended a meeting of the National Association of Retired Federal Employees March 6 in Herington. Harold Williams provided the entertainment.

Ramona Beisel's name was accidentally omitted from the list of Red Hat ladies who sang at the Lions pancake feed a couple of weeks ago. Apologies, Ramona.
