County jail
The following individuals were arrested and booked into Marion County Jail:
Selina Wills, 27, Marion, failure to appear.
John Mayden, 39, Wichita, revoke probation, failure to appear.
Issac Good, 19, Peabody, deprivation of property, criminal trespassing, criminal damage to property.
Randy Nickelson, 42, El Dorado, failure to appear.
Kevin Neufeld, 21, Hillsboro, criminal damage, two counts of consumption of alcohol by a minor.
Melissa Wood, 43, Marion, DUI, no turn signal, failure to maintain lane.
Richard Elson, 30, Lawrence, burglary, theft.
Silke Jahnke, 28, Herington, 96-hour court commitment.
Bradley Hewitt, 45, Wichita, DUI.
Edward Houston, 42, Junction City, failure to appear.
Marion County Record |
Hillsboro Star-Journal |
Peabody Gazette-Bulletin |