County jail
The following individuals were arrested and booked into Marion County Jail:
Shane Mascareno, 36, Abilene, possession of methamphetamine and marijuana and possession of drug paraphernalia.
Brad Cutter, 32, El Dorado, transport for court date.
Travis Grosse, 29, Peabody, driving under influence, possession of marijuana, no insurance, and tag not assigned to vehicle.
Stephanie Jacobson, 18, Marion, driving under influence, speed, and consumption of alcohol by minor.
Joshua Lillich, 20, Alta Vista, 48-hour court commitment.
William Grosse, 53, Marion, transporting open container and obstruction to resist arrest.
Richmond Clifton, 20, Tampa, 48-hour court commitment.
Jeremy Jantz, 21, Hesston, 48-hour court commitment.
Nancy Garcia, 31, Peabody, 5-day court commitment.
Douglas Ricks, 29, Wichita, failure to appear.