
Jayce Bracebridge to Brandon L. Hurt, QCD; pt. SE/4 SW/4, 11-18-4.

Lloyd M. Davies and wife to Jeremy S. Parks and wife, WD; Lots 11 and 12, Blk. 23, Southern Addn., Marion.

Mark E. Stansbury and wife to Lloyd M. Davies and wife, WD; pt. E/2 SW/4, 32-19-4, and Lots 1 through 7, Blk. 51, North Park Addn., Marion, and S. 29' of Lot A, North Park Addn., Marion, less the N. 8' thereof and S. 29' of vacated Luther Street lying E of the W line of Lot 26 extended, Blk. 46, North Park Addn., Marion.

Alex Hanschu Jr. and wife to Jayson Alex Hanschu, trustee, WD; W/2 SE/4, 7-17-4; E/2 SE/4, 7-17-4; NW/4, 8-17-4.

Donald D. Hasenbank and wife to Allen Church DBA Al's Home Repair, WD; Lot 4 and N/2 Lot 5, Blk. 39, Southern Addn., Marion.

Sylvia C. Winchester to Sylvia C. Winchester et al co-trustees, WD; Lot 14 and S 25' Lot 15, Blk. 28, Southern Addn., Marion.
