Deeds recorded

The following deeds were reported as recorded by the office of Marion County Register of Deeds:

Kent D. Becker, trustee to Dennis Conyers and wife, trustee's deed; SW/4 SE/4, 12-18-1.

Charles Dannenfelser to Roger L. Williams and wife, WD; undivided 1/2 interest in Tract 1: W/2 SW/4, 14-21-4. Tract 2: E/2 SE/4 and NW/4 SE/4 and S 55 acres of NE/4, 15-21-4.

Donald J. Waner et al to Roger Williams and wife, WD; NE/4 exc., 5-21-5.

Linda K. Weishaar and husband by power of attorney to Matthew J. Vogt and wife, WD; Lot 4, exc. The S 10' and S 40' of Lot 5, Blk. 7, Beebe's Addn., Hillsboro.

Steven W. Reichard and wife to Bradley E. Gorsuch and wife, WD; Lot 1, Blk. C, Eastshore Development, Marion.

Patricia Collier to Ronnie P. LeBlanc, WD; S/2 of Lots 1, 2, 3, and 4, Blk. 19, Fairview Addn., Florence.

Donald L. Buethe and wife to Eugene C. Remmers et al, WD; pt. SW/4, 11-18-4.

Gregory Young to Julio Cesar Ponce, WD; Lot 40 and S 20' lot 42, Blk. 2, Billing & Bowers Addn., Marion.

Eric L. Driggers and wife to Brent A. Unruh, WD; Lots 1, 2, and 3, Blk. 1, Kliewers Second Addn., Hillsboro.

Brad Gorsuch and wife to Steven W. Reichard and wife, WD; Lot 20, Blk. F, Eastshore Development, Marion County.

David F. Wiebe by power of attorney to Jennifer R. Owen, WD; N 10' Lot 6, Blk. 6, County Clerk's 7th Hillsboro Plat, Hillsboro.

Gordon K. Hiebert and wife to Glenn R. Litke, WD; pt. SW/4, 24-20-2.

Allen Suderman to Virgil G. Litke et al, trustees, WD; W/2 W/2 SW/4, 35-20-2.

Thomas J. Svoboda to Amber N. Svoboda, QCD; W/2, 36-19-5.

S.G. Kurtz and wife to Hal G. Krehbiel, WD; NW/4, 33-17-1.

Frederick L. David et al, trustees to Melvin C. Litwiller and wife, trustee's deed; Lot 2, Blk. 1, Prieb's Addn., Hillsboro.

Larry L. Hapgood, administrator to Robert A. Scriven Sr. and wife, administrator's deed; W/2 Lot 2, Aves Addn., Florence.

Magdalene M. Bentz by power of attorney to Magdalene M. Bentz et al, WD; SW/4, 5-17-3.

Whirley G. Thompkins and wife to John Beal and wife, QCD; Lots 10, 11, and 12, exc. S 50', Range 4, Church Addn., St. Francis City, Burns.

Randy L. Svitak and wife to Damien E. Svitak and wife, WD; pt. NE/4, 24-18-3.

Jackie D. Freeborn and wife to Ground Cover Cuts, LLC, WD; N/2 SW/4 and S/2 NW/4, 20-21-5, exc.
