Deeds recorded
The following deeds were reported as recorded by the office of Marion County Register of Deeds:
American General Finance to Jeffrey K. Nightengale, WD; W/2 of Lot 23 and all of Lot 25, Blk. 38, Florence.
Faith D. Kornelsen, et al to Gordon K. Hiebert and wife, WD; pt. SW/4 SW/4 and pt. N/2 SW/4, 24-20-2.
Foye E. Lovelady and wife to Philip Shapel, et al, WD; Lot 18, Lakeside Subdivision, Marion County Lake.
Stanley A. Brundage to Edith Brundage, QCD; W/2 Lots 4, 5, and 6, Blk. 39, North Peabody Addn., Peabody.
Ruth Mary Sherman to Edward D. Stuart, QCD; pt. Lots 7 and 8, Blk. 63, North Peabody Addn., Peabody.
Randy L. Svitak and wife to Kathleen I. Svitak, et al Trustees, WD; NW/4, 18-18-4, W/2 W/2, 11-17-4, E/2 SE/4, 9-18-4, pt. E/2 NE/4, 24-18-3.
Randy L. Svitak and wife to Randy L. Svitak, et al, Trustees, WD; NE/4, 18-18-4 and NW/4, 15-18-4.
Travis I. Creamer to Margo R. Yates, WD; Lot 11, Blk. 27, Southern Addn., Marion.
Rudolph G. Newfield and wife to Eugene Newfield, et al, WD; pt. SW/4 SE/4, 33-21-3.
Eldon E. Schmidt, et al, Co-Trustees to David Terrell and wife, WD; pt. NE/4, 27-19-1.
Sylvester E. Vinduska to William A. Olsen, WD; S/2 of Lot 7, all of Lot 8 and N8' of Lot 9, Blk. 13, Plat B, Lincolnville.
Margo R. Yates to Michael L. Yates, Transfer on Death Warranty Deed; Lot 11, Blk. 27, Southern Addn., Marion.
Greg Wilczek and wife to John T. Varelman and wife, WD; pt. NE/4, 25-17-2.
Duane A. Gaede, Executor to Paul D. Penner, Trustee, et al, Executor's Deed; Und. 1/2 interest NW/4 SE/4 and W 21 acres of NE/4 SE/4, 16-19-2.
Steven L. Voth to Brandon C. Becker, WD; S/2 Lot 4 and all Lot 5, Blk. 3, Excelsior Addn., Goessel.
Paul J. Loewen to Glen Spielman Sr., et al, WD; pt. W/2 SW/4, 6-21-5.