Fun farm facts
— Americans spend 10 percent of their disposable income on food.
— The people of India spend 51 percent of their income on food consumed at home.
— It takes about 40 days for most Americans to earn enough disposable income to pay for their food for the entire year.
— It takes the average American more than 100 days to earn enough income to pay federal, state, and local taxes for the year.
— Today, 99 percent of U.S. farms are owned by individuals, family partnerships, or family corporations with fewer than 10 stockholders.
— The U.S. has a positive agricultural trade balance because we export more food and fiber products than we import.
— More than 24 million American workers (17 percent of the total work force) produce, process, and sell the nation's food and fiber.
— Farmers and ranchers receive only 19 cents out of every dollar you spend on food. In 1980, farmers received 31 cents.
— Each U.S. farmer produces food and fiber for 144 people.