It's turkey time

Gobble, gobble, gobble! Time to tuck that napkin under your chin and grab that knife and fork!

Speaking of "turkeys," I just read in the Wichita Eagle that a man who has a ranch near Lindsborg is raising a special breed of turkeys, called American Bronze. He is raising them to prevent them from becoming extinct. They are large and the selling price is $7 per pound. In fact, they are too big to cook whole in the regular size roaster.

You know the story about the child asking her mother why she cut a piece off the ham before baking it? The mother said she did it because her mother did it. So she asked her mother why, she did it because her mother did. They asked the grandmother why she did it and she said it was because it was too big for the pan. I'll bet you have all heard that story.

The other night I tuned in on Charlie Rose's program. His guest was Gore Vidal who was on promoting a new book. All he did was down-mouth our country today. Charlie asked him if he could name one good thing that was going on, he said "no."

Let's challenge him and name some good things! Let's take an interest in education, economics, health, and government. If we all do that, perhaps we can prove him to be wrong.

I just lost my houseguest, Wanda, my Colorado daughter. She took off Saturday for what might be bad weather. Before she left she took me on a drive around the country club, Marion County Lake, and south to the old Hannaford farm. Her great-grandfather, Roger Hannaford, built the house. His diary tells all about the building plans. We always dream about how we would restore it. "We can dream, can't we?"

