Let s do it
Ed Davies put it succinctly last week — it's your right to vote. We're down to the wire in what probably is the most important election in Marion in recent years.
Tired of the status quo, Marionites asked for a change in government. Now it's time to fish or cut bait as the saying goes — and go to the polls to elect people who will fearlessly lead this city onward.
The city of Marion needs new leadership that isn't afraid to ask questions, make decisions, and avoid rubber-stamp politics. We need leaders who will demand accountability and honestly represent the best interests of all citizens of Marion.
When we go to the polls April 4, we'll also be voting on the $8 million school bond to build a fine arts center, wellness center, and indoor pool.
Folks, we need these facilities. You can debate taxes and fundamentals of education till the cows come home. But the bottom line is, we won't get another opportunity like this.
If we don't approve this bond issue now, we won't save money. We won't be "better off" or even "getting by." We'll be taking a step backward. We'll still be using more than 50-year-old facilities, inadequate for today's needs.
Not only is the passage of this bond issue good for education, it's good for the residents of this community. Some say this building project won't make or break Marion. Maybe not. But if it passes it will give Marion some much-needed momentum. Momentum that could go a long way toward more growth and prosperity for us all.
Get out and vote. Don't wait for "them" to do "something" about a dying town.
"We" are "them." If we don't vote, we don't have any right to sit in the coffee shops a month from now, wondering why "they" didn't get the job done.
Let's do it.