LETTERS: Tip of the hat
To the Editor:
Our hats are off to those who planned, conducted, supervised, and funded Chingawassa Days. As we participated in as many events as time permitted we were enormously impressed by the efficiency of the event's execution. There were "hosts" at every station, always courteous and impressively well prepared to answer questions. The variety of activities cut across the interests of all ages, including some professional entertainment that alone was well worth the price for a button.
As educators we were struck with the alternative for "schooling" this occasion offered, compared with a similar amount of time one might spend in front of the TV. Almost everything one could choose from was interactive — people actually connecting with each other. What was being learned, by all ages, complements "book learning" in a more casual setting, and less formal than the classroom. Several events invited young and old alike to compete in a friendly environment, all the while learning sound human relationship skills.
Then there is the "pride in community" aspect with local talent highlighted, the beautifully appointed and maintained park to showcase, and some of Marion's finest citizens assuming leadership. The clearest example of how workers demonstrated this pride was friendliness. We never observed a single frowning face nor lack of enthusiasm of those who wore Chingawassa shirts.
To us, the Days were a slice of "Americana" and because the event closely followed Memorial Day, one could easily acknowledge, "This is an example of what our veterans fought and died for:" children laughing to the delight of their elders; parents relaxed, knowing their kids were safe among these neighbors; seniors optimistic about this generation of community leaders.
Chingawassa Days simply affirmed our conviction that America is alive and well in communities everywhere, and we take pride in claiming Marion as our part-time home.
John H. and Kathy Wilson
weekenders at the county lake