Lost Springs
Lost Springs correspondent
(785) 965-7169
When Frances Stuchlik got up Sunday morning she thought to herself it is a beautiful day. I'll go to the Catholic church in Hope. After church services, I'll drive to Salina to shop for items I can't get around here.
She started out a little after 7:30 a.m. for Hope. She got as far as Ramona. A train was on the track, she sat waiting for the train to move for several minutes. Thinking if I sit here any longer, I'll miss church services, she turns around and drives one mile east and then turns north until she comes to 200th then turns west and drives on a mud road until she gets stuck.
She bought a cell phone several weeks ago, wondering then when will I ever use it? Luckily she had it with her. She picked it up, asking herself, do I really know how to use it. She did call her son, Monty Stuchlik and got him. She tried to tell him where she was stuck. Using the cell phones, they finally located her. Monty and wife, Sarah pulled her out with their pickup. Both headed for Herington where they washed her car. Monty dug out a lot of mud around the wheels.
After the car was washed, Frances drove to Salina. She noticed the car was shimmying, so she went to Wal Mart. While they were taking off the wheels of the car to clean the mud, she bought the things she couldn't get here. She made it home by 4:30 p.m. by staying on good roads. Can you imagine what Monty and Sarah were thinking — Mom driving and getting stuck on a mud road.
Bob Reznicek went Saturday to Hillsboro for shopping. On the way home he stopped in the country to visit Charles and Mary Loewen.
Joyce Rohloff visited Friday morning with Evelyn Strecker.
Irma Benda visited the residents of St. Luke Living Center, Marion, Thursday while they were celebrating February birthdays of residents. She helped serve ice cream and cake.
Mervin Deines and brother, Weldon Deines, Herington, drove to Manhattan Saturday to attend the Kansas State boys' and girls' basketball games.
Jan Hanschu of Hillsboro brought her sons, Jakob, Jorge, and Jaxxon to their grandparents, Junior and Jeanetta Hanschu, Saturday morning. Later, Junior and Jeanetta and their grandsons went to Tampa to attend the Agri-Producers lunch and meeting. After the luncheon Jeanetta took the boys home while Junior stayed for the meeting.
Selma Ingram visited Friday afternoon with Evelyn Strecker. She brought the Girl Scout cookies I bought from Oaklan and Tia Jenkins.
Lori Torline and Megan, Carolyn, and Matthew of Derby spent Friday with Irma and Bob Reznicek. The children helped Bob load tree limbs from the January ice storm.
Terry and Grace Stuchlik's daughter, Lisa and Robert Knoppel of Overland Park, had a baby girl, Kaithlyn Elizabeth, born Saturday. She weighed a little over 4 pounds and was 17 inches long. She has a brother, Andrew, 3. Great-grandmother on paternal side is Frances Stuchlik of Lost Springs.
Larry Rudolph and Alex Stuchlik attended the Saturday Tampa Agri-Producers luncheon and meeting.
Clark and Laura Strecker of Rose Hill hosted a dinner Saturday in celebration of the birthdays of Douglas, Tailor, and Clark. Guests were Douglas Strecker and Sonja Strecker of Hesston, Austin and sister, Tailor of Rose Hill, Yancy and Julie Strecker and Gabriel of Newton, and Evelyn Strecker. Douglas made homemade ice cream and Evelyn made and decorated angel food birthday cake. Gifts were opened.
When Douglas and I were returning home about six o'clock, as we were driving through Marion, a couple of deer crossed the street in front of our car, by the elevator.
Neil and Jolene Albrecht and daughter, Morgan of Salina hosted a Saturday afternoon birthday party supper in honor of Kallie Albrecht's fourth birthday at Trinity Lutheran Church fellowship hall. The supper was at 5 p.m. Guests were Junior and Jeanetta Hanschu, Jakob, Jorge, and Jaxxon Hanschu of Hillsboro, Fred and Marguerite Utech, Jeff and Jennifer Braden and Joshua of Windom, B. Albrecht and Linda, Donna Staatz and two children, and Velma Humbarger of Herington. They played games and opened gifts.
Larry Rudolph visited Thursday with Mary Helen Black and Micky and Lance of Herington.
Junior Hanschu attended the North Central Elevator meeting Thursday at Hope.
Ramona Trinity Lutheran fellowship club will have a pancake feed from 5 to 7 p.m. Sunday at the parish hall. Free will offering.
Ramona and Don Beisel of Tampa visited Saturday afternoon with Frances Stuchlik.
Betty Stenzel visited Norma Weber Wednesday morning to wish her happy birthday, which was Feb. 19.